Chapter 2 - Her P.O.V

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I lay beside him, he had finally fallen asleep. He was so troubled, so much plaguing his mind that he rarely slept, I tried to stay awake with him but sometimes I just couldn't. I looked at his body, took in all the details, all the details he tried to hide from me in the light were spread out in front of me in the darkness. I noticed the sweat gleaming in his soft brown hair, the dried blood across his lip from where I bit him, I noticed the piercing in his ear, the tattoo on the inside of his arm, it sent shivers down my spine. As I glanced down his body I noticed the scars on his wrist, the ones he wouldn't talk about. I took his hand in mine. He squeezed my hand. Damnit. I looked at him as he opened his eyes, god they were blue. He grinned at me and pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

"Talk to me."

"About what dear?"

"What happened to you?" I traced the scars on his wrist "Why did you do this?" He sighed and looked away. I waited in silence for him to answer. He wouldn't look back at me. I kissed his ear, licked his piercing and whispered. "Tell me darlin'. Let me share your pain."

"I'll tell you." He looked back at me with a weak grin "When I'm ready." I kissed his neck, wrapping my arms around his body. I lay on top him, holding him in my arms, he was warm, and his skin was soft. As I got comfortable, entangled in him, not sure where I ended and he began, the alarm clock began to ring. Time for work. I didn't want to leave him alone, I never wanted to leave him alone, I didn't want him to go back to the darkness, not without me to guide him back out.

I climbed out of the bed and began to pull my clothes on, I hadn't heard him follow me out of bed so it scared me when he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed down my neck, dragging his teeth across the skin. He ran his hands across my body, he turned my head to kiss him. He spun my body to face him, I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling at it slightly, wrapping my leg around his to pull our bodies closer. He lifted me up without breaking the kiss, I wrapped my legs around his waist, my nails digging into his scalp as I pulled at his hair. He threw me on the bed and kissed down my body. He bit down on my nipples, a moan erupted from my mouth. I felt him smirk against my skin and he did it again. I ran my fingers over the scratches on his back from the previous times and smirked as I dug my nails into his back again. He kissed my ear, flicking his tongue against the piercings, than blew on them. The chills ran down my spine, goose bumps lifting on my skin. I felt his teeth puncture the skin. Bring it.

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