"The Twilight Zone" - 1.2

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I give a blank stare to the wall in front of me as if it were, well, whoever, it is that I'm having this conversation with right now. I'm not exactly sure why I'm doing it, but I'm assuming that he can see my reaction. I'm at a complete loss for words. Did I just get sucked into a 90's television show? Is that what this is?

You know, normally, a sane person wouldn't just willingly accept that as a valid explanation, however, seeing as I'm at my wit's end right now and have become so desperate for an answer, any answer really, to all of this that it doesn't matter what kind explanation I'm given anymore.

I let out a sigh then sat on the side of the bed. "So I'm in 'The Twilight Zone'. Now what"

"Okay, so now, you must be wondering why you're here, right? Right?" as if brushing aside my complete lack of reaction, he continues his line of questioning.


"Why am I here?"

"Great question! Well, the answer is simple; I want to play a game."

Now where have I heard that before? "Are you going to torture me?" I'm not sure how deep I've fallen into this pit of acceptance, but somehow, torture doesn't sound too bad right now.

"Hehehe, if only you knew. Oh, but don't worry, I haven't set any traps or timers or anything of the sort in the room. I want to play a different kind of game." he responds.

"Okay. Then what kind of game is it?" Just play along, Aiden.

"The game is simple, really. I think you'll get the hang of it in no time. After all, you've been playing this game a lot recently."

"Asphalt Xtreme?"

"It's a little something called 'The Dating Game'. Sound familiar?" again, brushing aside my snide remark as an attempt to throw him off, he continues. "Alright-"

I say nothing for a while and just let him speak to his heart's content while I gather my own thoughts. Yeah, this really isn't going anywhere. This guy's not making any sense, and I don't think he plans to any time soon. After all this, I still don't have the slightest clue about what's happening right now. Alright, new plan: it seems like the only way of getting anything concrete out him is to stop humoring this little act of his. 

"Alright, look here, right now I couldn't care less about where I am, why I'm here, or what this game of yours is. Just cut to the chase already. What are you after? Is it money you want? Are you taking me hostage for ransom or something? If so, then you don't have to do this. I will personally give you any amount of money you want if you let me go, just name your price. So what do you say?" I bombard him with a flurry of words and questions. I stare at the wall again, waiting for him to respond. He won't be able to ignore me this time.

"Alright, then, buddy... Seven days,"

"Alright, this is just getting ridiculous now! I've had enough of the pointless talk and movie references, just tell me what you're after already, you psycho basta-"

"In seven days you must get this girl to fall in love with you."

Sonder ~ #JustWriteIt #AltEnding ~Where stories live. Discover now