Liam and Niall sick parts one and two- for larrybeiberdreams

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"I just don't feel well," Liam finally blurted, moving his hands and lifting his head up. I could tell straight away that he wasn't trying to pull a sickie to get out of school. He looked like he was sick. He had the whole pale thing going on, along with the sleepless purple bags and red cheeks and nose. His eyes were glossy and exhausted and his lips were dry.
And it looked like there were dry tear tracks on his cheeks.

Apparently Haz noticed it to because the first words to come out of his mouth were, "we're you crying last night, bud? Why didn't you come wake us up?"

He shrugged again.

"Are you going to spew?" Niall asked curiously, leaning forward across the table to observe his brother.

"No Ni, my tummy's okay," Liam replied and Harry let out a relieved whoosh of air. I felt the same way. We'd only had to go through one stomach bug since Niall, and it was enough to last a lifetime. We didn't need any more of that, ever.

"Do you think you can manage school today, bud? I know how much you're enjoying it at the moment but you really don't look very w-" 

Liam started coughing into his sleeve roughly and my words went away, there was no way Harry or I were going to be letting him out of the house today.

I patted his back gently until the fit was over, grimacing at the way his spine was shuddering beneath my hand. It sounded awful and even Niall had a pitying look on his face.

"How about we just get you back into bed bud, do you want your breakfast?" I asked, gesturing at the untouched bowl of cornflakes on the tabletop.

"I can bring it to your bedroom for you if you like?" Harry offered.

 Liam just shook his head. "Not hungry, thanks," he croaked as I helped him to his feet.

 Harry nodded at me, "I'll grab some meds, love."

"Sounds good H, meet you in the bedroom."

 I shot him a grin and gentle herded Liam into his bedroom, easing him forward until he got to his bed and buried himself under the covers with a wet sounding sniffle.

"Do you think you got sick from playing football in the rain on Saturday?" I asked with a sympathetic smile as I tucked the duvet under the mattress.

"Yeah. . .my throat really hurts Papa," he whimpered, tears gathering in his eyes as he looked up at me sadly.

"Aw bud, I know, Dad's gonna be here any second with something to help it feel better, along with that cough. It'll all go away soon."

 I stroked his forehead soothingly, not wanting him to cry again. He wasn't running a fever by the feels of it, so that was reassuring, but I could tell the poor kid was miserable enough anyway and I still felt horrible about not being able to do anything.

"That feels nice. . ." he whispered, closing his eyes. It brought a smile to my face, seeing him relaxing a little.

"Alrighty then Liam, Dad's here, and I've got some medicine for you," Harry whispered loudly as he entered the room, waving a bottle of children's cold and flu around like it was beer.

Liam opened an eye and then started coughing again. I helped him sit up, knowing that it'd clear up faster with him in that position rather than on his side. It resided and Harry plopped down beside me on the bed while Liam curled up on my lap with a low whine.

"I know Li, I know," I murmured apologetically, stroking his forehead again. He was only ten so sickness still hit him pretty hard and we could still baby him without it being strange. He was growing up so fast, I was terrified I was going to blink and miss it.

One Direction Sickficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें