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The atmosphere here was amazing, the way I liked it- classy and sober. This setting made the conversation flow with the important people while the not so important people would be busy glancing at the waitress's chest. Men can be jerk sometimes.

As soon as the word Jerk came in my mind, he came in my view. What was he doing here? Who the hell invited him?
I don't really like this man, not even a bit. I don't know how the hell half of the population in this world was crazy for him. His personality was just so irritating. Even his presence made me behave out of my character and I hated that, hated how he could just make me want to pull out my hair and strangle him in front of so many people. When I saw him approaching towards me, red lights appeared in my mind. This was not good, he would embarrass me here, in front of these powerful people and I cannot afford that so I excused myself politely and went towards the washroom.

Until now everything was going fine but of course he had to come and ruin my plan to impress others.

I removed my expensive customized mask, I was not a fan of mask but this was a masquerade party so it was necessary. I applied some makeup and prepared myself to go and face him, face The great Logan Hemsworth- the most romantic and apparently the sexiest man on the planet.

I could handle him, I was Samantha Walter after all, the young confident and successful politician, not as famous as him but I did have more power than him.

I looked at myself in the mirror and then closed my eyes taking a deep breathe. Logan Hemsworth was a waste of time, all he do is irritate me,  annoy me and embarrass me. It was like I could not control myself in front of me, it was very difficult to get a reaction from me yet somehow he manages to get under my skin and I hated him for that.

After composing myself again, I opened my eyes but on the mirror, along with my reflection, there was his reflection with his ever so present mask.

Along with Logan Hemsworth, I hated this man and I hated his bloody mask.

Through the mirror, I saw the man who's being tormenting my nights, my alone time, the man who's hobby was to play with my emotions approaching towards me, slowly with both the hands in his pocket and walking in this ladies washroom as if he owned the damn place.

I should've known he would come here, it was a perfect place for him. My heart started beating fast with a little fear and I hated myself to agree that it's rapid pace was also due to anticipation. I never saw his face yet his sexy hoarse voice was enough to drive anyone crazy.

"I knew I would find you here." He said in his sexy voice.

Don't react Samantha. Don't give him that. If you shout and create a scene here, it would be a big scene and how would that look in the public. I explained myself.

I could already read the headlines in my head, bold, capital letters gathering everyone's attention in this state.

Samantha Walter's Secret Admirer Harassing her in the Washroom.

Samantha Walter And her Secret Admirer spotted in a washroom, are things getting heated?

This would not be positive for my political career, so I  ignored him.

"Oh, trying to ignore me?" My so called secret admirer said, stopping close to me. I knew what would happen now.

As expected before I could get a clear look at him, before I could see his eyes, the lights switched off. I was used to it now, he always does that but the dark, raw feeling whenever this happens never gets old, I could never get used to this feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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