(A/N: Perfect time to play song on the side ------>>>>>)

I returned the hug, holding him tightly. I realized that I did love Gavin. Just not in the way that he probably wanted me too. I knew once I told him these next words that I might lose him. And just in case, I want this last comforting hug from him.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” he stated, sitting next to me. I didn’t bother with the denial.

“Yes,” I said.

“Why?” he asked. I didn’t realize I was crying until his thumb wiped a tear away. “Hey,” his soft voice called gently. I turned my head to look at him. “What’s wrong?”

For a moment I had trouble formulating words. “This,” I croaked. “This is wrong in so many ways.”

He frowned. “What? How?”

I sobbed. “I don’t deserve you,” I whispered, looking down. “I don’t deserve your kindness your sensitivity, I don’t deserve to be your friend let alone your girlfriend.”

I couldn’t stand to look at him. “Yes. I think you do.”

“You won’t.” He said nothing but his hand let go of my face. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. “Gavin . . . I can’t let this continue.”

“This being what?” he asked.

“Us,” I whispered quietly. I looked up at him. His smile was fading. “Gavin I- I want us to still be friends and I actually mean that, because before you asked me out you were a friend and-”

“That’s all I ever was, huh?”

My heart was beating frantically. I didn’t want to lose him. I didn’t want to have to lose any more people in my life and Gavin was so good, I didn’t want to lose him too. “Gavin I’m so sorry-”

“Did I ever even have a chance?” he demanded with a hurt expression. This was what I wanted to avoid. That expression that made me feel incredibly guilty and remorseful.


He scoffed. “Of course. I should’ve known that it’s always been that Harry guy.” Harry?

I shook my head. “No. No it-”

“I’ll see you around, Jade,” he said quietly before standing up to leave. Tears were rapidly streaming down my face and I hated my entire situation even more as I realized I still had more hearts to break. He paused at the door. “I really am glad you’re okay.”

I should’ve enjoyed him saying that, but if anything it only made me feel even worse. I gasped in a lungful of air. “Gavin, please, can’t we just-”

The door closed and I felt a piece of my heart chip into pieces. I hugged myself as I cried. My fault. That look on his face was my fault. He didn’t have a chance. I toyed with him to distract myself from what I really wanted. But what was it I really wanted? (A/N: Duh. Harry. I had to. :P)


My head turned when I heard footsteps. I leaned off the wall (A/N: Hey, get your back off the wall, haha, I know I should be banned from internet), but saw a stranger. I blushed and then went back to my earlier position. I looked down at my phone.

Please meet me over in the west wing outside of the old chem lab. It’s important.

Liam didn’t reply, but I felt as though I could always depend on him. I soon heard more steps, but this time let it go, keeping my head down low.

That Wallflower (A One Direction/ Little Mix fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora