Chapter 5

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Zeeks P.O.V

"DUDE wakes up," a strange bastard shouts waking me up from a dream about me marrying a beautiful girl with purple hair.

"Whoa! Who the fuck are you?" I asked

"This is our new roommate," Max said.

"I'm Nate," our apparent new roommate said holding out his hand for me to shake it.

"Why the hell are you waking me up. I have an alarm that goes off in-" My alarm went off, "now"

"I told you not to wake him up man. Zeek is not a morning person. Especially when he is dreaming. Now if you don't mind I have a girlfriend to meet," Max said walking out of our dorm.

"More like make out with," I said under my breath. Nate started laughing, "what?"

"What you said is really funny," he said

"You heard that?" I asked.

"I have enhanced senses."

"Oh," I replied, "If you don't mind I have to go ask a girl I met yesterday out on a date."

"Isn't that going a bit fast?"

"Yes, you are right. I need to learn more about her."


"If you will excuse me I have to go get to know the girl of my dreams," I said as I walked out the door. Nate is a weird dude not gonna lie and I hate that Max and I got one of the dorms for three people. This is our third roommate in a month because all the rest wanted to move because Max and Ali would be in here on the weekends making out or doing other things...I'm starting to gross myself out. It's Saturday too which can only mean one thing, I don't have to tell Nate to stay out of the dorm because if he sees Max and Ali he will think they do this often and If he asks me if they do I will respond with "every day".

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts about my roommates and their relationships and focus on the delicious breakfast we were about to have. When we finally arrived we saw my sisters, Ali, Jen and their sister sitting at a table all together so we grabbed our food and made our way over to them. " Hi babe," Max said as he set his food down and shoved his tongue down Ali's throat. " Dude com! Some of us need an appetite to eat" whined Nate while the rest of us either gagged at their display of affection or laughed at Nate's comment. I just shake my head and went down to eat my food while Max introduced Nate to everyone.

All of a sudden the door in the cafeteria burst open and the girl I dreamed about last night was there huffing and sighing. I was in awe of her raw beauty, she looked perfect without trying. She had pale skin Black hair with purple and blue streaks like max and eyes that seemed to shift colours like mine. I became nervous all of a sudden when her eyes locked sight on our table as she grabbed her food and walked over here I was curious as to why she was coming this way. When She sat down next to max and hugged him.

"Hey!" she said happily sitting down next to Max

"Hey Em. Sleep in much." Max said. As soon as he said that my eyes went wide ' so this is Max's long lost sister'

"Shut up Max!" she called laughing in a goddess-like voice.

"I'm kidding." He said nudging her with his shoulder.

"Emily this is my brother Zeek," Elise said.

"Hi," Em said.

"Hey," I said back.

That was all I said for the rest of breakfast because I was trapped in my mind with one question going on in my head.

' I'm going to marry my best friends, little sister!'

For my Collaborator: 

Thank you so much for updating the google doc!!! I hope we can keep up and talk more...and maybe some shopping or movies on the side...lmao Love you like a sister!!!!

A/N: For those of you who may be reading Cam's and have seen that I have the same story I DID NOT STEAL IT! We are working together and I have proof.

A/N: For those of you who may be reading Cam's and have seen that I have the same story I DID NOT STEAL IT! We are working together and I have proof

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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