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jerard: so let me get this

jerard: you like dogs

jerard: but you don't even own any

jerard: bitch wtf,, smh

franklinrooosevelt: i can love dogs and not own any

franklinrooosevelt: judgmental

jerard: shame shame s h a m e

franklinrooosevelt: my mom doesn't like animals

jerard: gSAp

franklinrooosevelt: ikkk

franklinrooosevelt: my dad said he would get me one when he came back for christmas tho

jerard: when do you get to see your dad??

franklinrooosevelt: only on holidays

franklinrooosevelt: bc he's always busy doing music stuff

jerard: oh

franklinrooosevelt: stop pitying me

jerard: we should hang the weekend before christmas

franklinrooosevelt: that's tomorrow?? !

jerard: duh

franklinrooosevelt: since when have you wanted to hang out with me

jerard: since we met

jerard: and became gay wads

jerard: and you're always complaining that we need to hang out

franklinrooosevelt: oml, you have feelings

jerard: bOi

franklinrooosevelt: yeah, i'd actually like that bc my mom is an ass so

jerard: i'll pick you up tomorrow

franklinrooosevelt: thanks, babe ;)

jerard: what's that?? you want me to change my mind ??

franklinrooosevelt: i'm

franklinrooosevelt: stOP

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