#22 Harry Imagine

Start from the beginning

He shrugged. "I don't want to be all 'girly-girl'. I am gay, but I'll not dress like one."

"Hm." I hummed. "So.. any guys you talked to yet?"

He sighed. "No."

"Hey do you know.. um.." I snapped my fingers. "Trevor Halls?"

"Yeah, he's like one of the hotties here" He shrugged.

"Yeah. He asked me to have dinner with him later." I told Harry.

I felt him tense up. "And.. what did you say?"

"I rejected and cursed him out." I answered, smiling.

"You really do hate guys, don't you?" He chuckled.

"You know the reason behind it." I muttered.

"Yeah, your ex cheated on you." He said in a hurried tone. "But it's not bad to love another one again. That was like.. 2.. 3 years ago. You should let it go."

"You really know what to say." I breathed out.

"Of course." He smiled, showing off his dimples. "You're my girl friend." Harry is like.. my very bestfriend here in the whole school. Yeah, he's a guy but he's gay. He's also attracted to other guys which kinda makes us relate to each other. He's also understanding and very friendly. Yeah, he's gay but he's a very nice person. If he was straight, I'd be the one to ask him out.

*Harry's POV*

3 months. 3 months since we became friends. 3 months since I told her that I was 'gay'. 3 months that I was pretending to be gay so I could get closer to her. 3 fucking months. And I can't take it anymore. I'm gonna burst out. I could tell another person why the hell I did this but that will never be enough. I want to tell her face-to-face. I'm just afraid that I might lose her. Where the hell did I even get the idea of pretending to be gay just so both of us could get along. I was so desperate. Too desperate to be with her. She just hates guys so much that I thought that being gay was the only way. Stupid stupid stupid. There are thousands of ways to get to her and I chose being homosexual.

"You're staring again." (Y/N) knocked me out of my train of thoughts. She looked behind her, smirking as she thought that I was staring at the fucking football player feets behind her. Well she's thinking wrong.

"I was staring at you." I answered once she turned back to me.

"Why?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "You wish you can have a long, beautiful hair like mine?" She joked, waving her hair.

"No." I chuckled."But you do have a beautiful hair though."

"Thanks?" Her reply was more of a question. "What's with the compliments?"

"I.. You're beautiful." I blurted out.

"Oookay. What's wrong with you?" She said.

I groaned, my hands on my face. "Nothing. I just..-"

"Just what?" She continued pushing me to the edge. My hands slammed to the wooden table as I stood up, my chair screeching. It wasn't that loud to attract that much attention. My noise was easily drowned by the noises of the people in here.

"I have to tell you something." I spoke seriously. Before she could question, I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cafeteria. I never actually held her hand before. I only held it when I was attempting to do her nails one time when I stayed the night.

"Hey. Hey. Too tight". She said as I made my way to the parking lot where there only a few people.

"Sorry." I apologized, letting go of her hand. I wanted to hold it again.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I.." I began but cut myself off when my courage was knocked down.

"Harry. ." She said.

I sighed. "I'm not gay."

Her expression was shocked. "What?"

"I'm not gay, (Y/N)." I said a little louder. "I'm not attracted to other guys, or other girls. I'm attracted to you and you only. I don't do nails and wear friendship bracelets. I don't do girly things that you expected me do. I'm not what you expected me to be."

"You mean. . You're a guy? Not a homo?" She asked.

I looked down and nodded. "Yes."

There was silence and I was hoping it was good silence. But all I could hear was tension. "You lied. ." She trailed off.

I looked back up at her, my features softening as I saw her tears. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" She questioned angrily.

I gulped. I hate seeing her like this, angry and upset. I hate it even more when I'm the reason. "I-I wanna get close to you, (Y/N). I really like you and I'm willing to do anything for you."

"You lied to me." She sobbed, her hands over her face.

I walked to her, grabbing both of her wrists. "Please. I'm sorry."

"No!" She yelled, pulling her wrists back. "I thought you were my friend! Friends don't do this to each other! They don't betray their friend!"

"I did it because I like you, okay?!" I yelled, grabbing hold of her shoulders to stop her. I didn't think she heard me the first time."That's a stupid way to be with me." She said.

"It is." I agreed. "But I did it for you."

"I'm still mad that you lied to me for like.. 3 months." She sniffled.

"Hey. Hey." I moved my hands to her face. "I'm sorry." Even though I'm not allowed to, I placed my lips against her forehead.

"I can't say I like you too 'cause well.." She couldn't finish her sentence. I already know why.

"I know." I smiled.

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