chapter two

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this has nothing to do with the story but have yall seen the newest ep of skam BecAUSE FUCK MY ASS THAT WAS SO WILD IM ACTUALLY TEARING uP 

anyway, here's chapter 2, enjoy.

 (we deadass skipping two months because i had no idea where to go from the last chapter so you get this sorry)



It's been 2 months. 2 months since everything.... changed. I've been with Gabe and Helen, who actually are pretty decent, which I am so thankful for. I've actually managed to make a few good friends, to know if they are actually gonna stay in my life, I don't really know. However, for now I'm perfectly content with just having some people to sit with at lunch, have a banter with them. 

I miss her though, I miss my mom. I miss her so much it hurts to even breathe sometimes. It comes in waves, I can go weeks without even thinking about her, but the second something triggers a memory, I go numb. All I want to do is be at home, in bed with the covers pulled all the way up, trapping myself with the warmth of the blankets. Pretending someone was here with me, holding me, caring for me. I needed that. 

"Hey man, why the long face?" I heard him. I know for a matter of fact I heard him speak, he never speaks to me. Well, unless he wants me to go video some footage of him on his bike. Which I don't entirely mind, I get to admire him without him even really knowing it. He sat down next to me, I looked to the side. He was right there, inches away. 

I couldn't find it in me to actually speak; therefore, I just shrugged. He grinned. There it was again, the fluttering feeling taking over my body. I grinned back. 

"Anyway, can you hang later? I really need more footage for my sponsors." I chuckled. 

"Yeah, sure man, I'll meet you out here after school, see ya Lukas." 


I was walking out towards the front of the school, where everyone never seemed to go after the last bell rang. They always left the back ways, which was kinda really weird. I about ran straight into the door that was obviously being opened without anyone looking to see if it would be inconvenient for anyone else. I swore under my breath as I skidded to a halt as I heard the familiar voice bellowing across the empty school hallway. 

"Rose, babe, I'm sorry, I promise we'll hang tomorrow. I really need to get these shots done with for the sponsors. You know how important it is for them to be impressed with the shit I do." Lukas sighed. 

"Yeah, well, I thought I was important too. See you later." Rose stormed off. I chuckled, showing myself from behind the door.

"Tough one." I smiled, looking towards to blonde haired giant. My heart pounded.

"Yeah, I guess she is. You ready?" I nodded. 


Here we were, in the middle of god knows where. I have my phone out in front of me as he plows all around, zipping, gliding, I don't even know what the hell he's doing. But, the one thing I do know for sure is that he looks so beautiful doing whatever the hell he is doing, even though I can't really see his face at all. He went full speed over the next jump, doing some weird twisty thing on the way down, then went back to normal as soon as he went in for impact. He hollered, going crazy. He rode over towards me.

"Dude, that was sooo sick. Did you see how much air I got?" He took his helmet off. His hair sticking up in all kinds of directions, some of it clinging to his forehead drenched in sweat. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. Eager. 

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