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I woke up in my bed, between Grayson and Ethan.

I decide to wake them up, so they could explain what they did.

I start shouting at them but not too loud, because I could wake up Noah and it's not even 8am.

'Relax, there is one more step, with no pain' Grayson mumbles.

'I give zero fucks tell me what is going on' I shout while Ethan is waking up too.

'Woah sis, don't be so nervous this early' He says in his raspy morning voice.

'ETHAN CAN YOU HEAR YOURSELF WHY AND HOW SHOULDN'T I BE THIS NERVOUS' i shout again, what the hell do they think they are.

Oh, vampires.

Oh I am too.

'Come on, we dont have much time Gray' Ethan says ignoring me.

'I'll be right back' Grayson says getting up with no shirt on, revealing his perfect abs.

How, just how.

I'm just staring at him until Ethan interrupts me.

'Listen, you need to drink human blood as the last step, but we got you a bag of blood and you won't bite people. It will be hard for you not to do it, but Gray and I will teach you, okay?'

So he just expects me to accept this and move on like it's nothing?

'Ethan, it would really be nice if you asked me first. What you did is, in all honesty, awful. I had no choice, and you know I would choose being with you, no matter how hard it is. I don't know what were you thinking' I said, getting slightly angry.

'We couldn't take any risks. I'm sorry but it's done, it had to be,' he said, making little circles with the tips of his fingers on my arms, the small gesture relaxing me.

I just smiled. I knew he wouldn't do anything bad for me. I didn't know what to do.

'And by the way, don't think I didn't see you staring at Gray a couple minutes ago' he said winking at me.

I giggled and threw a pillow at him.

'Please don't tell him'

'Tell me what?' Grayson says, sucking the bag of blood and handing me and Ethan one. Ethan takes his and shows me how to do it without getting messy.

Well, this is it.

'Wait, Noah. What about him?' I asked scared, I dont want to lose him never.

'We will be on 'vacation' while he is at your aunties. We need to teach you to ignore the scent of blood.' Ethan said.

'Okay, can I see him first?'

'Of course.' Ethan said, standing up so I can get out of the bed.

I entered the room and looked at him. This is the last time I'm looking at him with no wish to literally kill him.

He slept so peacefully. My angel. He's the cutest thing ever I swear.

I put him in my arms and he wakes up. I didn't want to wake him at all, but he doesn't seem to mind.

'Good morning' Noah says politely as always. I just looked at him, trying hard not to let the tears swelling in my eyes fall.

'Good morning my baby' I say, attempting to sound as happy as I always do, but I failed.

'What's wrong Rose?' he asks in his sweet baby voice.

'Me and boys are gonna be on a little vacation because they have to go and they want me with them.' I said still holding him.

'Will you come back quickly?' He said making sad puppy face.

Why is he so adorable

'I will come back quickly only for you angel' I said hugging him.

'Can I sleep more?' he said while trying to get out of my hands and into his bed.

'Of course baby.' I said, leaving a kiss on his forehead.

I went back to my room. I was still weak and sore.

'Is it normal for me to feel this weak?' I asked them

'Yes, and if you don't hurry you'll be even weaker so please hurry Rose' Grayson said, with a shirt on now, sadly.

I took the bag of blood and started drinking it. Their bags were already empty.

It felt amazing and I felt stronger every second. I'm about to finish it and both of them come and hold me so I don't move. Smart, because I don't know what am I able to do now.

'Hold her head' Ethan said while Grayson held my head and Ethan injected me with something that burned my neck. My vision started getting hazy and soon, everything went black.


700 words :) Hope you enjoyed Im boring okay bye see ya

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