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Beaching  Around


As I walk in through the doors to my house, I grin. I throw my backpack onto the couch planning on doing it in a few. I go to the kitchen to make food.

I run upstairs and change into some black shorts and a lifeguard shirt. Yeah, I was a lifeguard in NYC. I love water. Water is what inspired my walls. Wallpaper covers them in a water themed allusion. All black stickers are spotted every so often, each representing a memory. Like the palm tree I have from when we crossed the California line and stopped for gas. 

A small yap and the sound of claws running around the hall brings me to look up and see Abro run around. I laugh and walk to my door. 

"Abro!" I shout and he stops running a marathon and looks at me with his pink tongue flopping. The he scrambles over to me. He yaps in my ear as he licks my face. I pat his curly back then set him down. Abro yaps then scurries away. I roll my eyes and look back in my room. I grab my phone and close my door. 

I plop down on the couch and wince at the strip of sunlight coming in from the window. I stand up and close the white curtain although it doesn't do much. I walk back to the couch ready to turn on the TV when I almost sit on Abro. 

Abro was my Christmas present a year ago, and has been my bud ever since. When I got him I was going through and Abercrombie model phase and ended up naming him after the store.  

"Abro move," I grumble as I pick up his tiny body and move him to the cushion next to me. I sit down and look at him staring at me with his big brown eyes. "What?" I ask as I pull open my backpack. He yaps and jumps. "Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask rolling my eyes. One word that describes Abro is stubborn. He won't leave you only until you do what he wants. He yaps again and then runs to the door. He does want a walk. I look at the clock and see I can take him for a long walk.

I connect his blue leash to his chain collar my dad bought him. Dad says Abros tiny and deserves some type of strength. Abro being a yorkie does kind of make him look like a baby. My baby.

I open the door and he runs out almost breaking my finger. "Abro slow down!" He does, but then he pees. We are off again and he walks patiently at my side. I get an idea and take out my cracked phone. 

I hold on Siri and talk into it. 

"Which direction is the Pacific Ocean from here?" I don't know if she will get it, but she does after a second and points me in the opposite direction. So I steer Abro around and we start walking to the ocean. After all, we both love water.


Abro runs into the water almost squealing with joy as he yips and yaps all the way there. Only to be cut short by a wave pushing him. I giggle and run in a little panicked. I find his brown body soaked and upside down. 

"Abro you silly boy." I lift him up but hold him away from me. 

He then comes forward and brings me to bring him close so I don't drop him. Causing my white shirt to get all wet. Thank God I was wearing a white sports bra. I laugh and fall down bring us both down. I land on my knees and Abro starts to run to the shore. I groan and follow his little body. Since no one is really at the beach except for a surfer and a lifeguard I let Abro off his leash.

Abro runs in the sand until he falls into a hole. I laugh as I pull him up and hug him to me. He's so excited he cant sit still. 

"Get used to this bud." I say and sit on the sand. I look at the sun reflecting off the water. It got a little cooler than earlier but it's still warm. 

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