DeanXReader -Don't Leave

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You slammed the door as soon as you saw Dean standing there. You quickly locked it. You began packing your bag. Only grabbing the things you need. Dean stood outside your door yelling and banging on the door. You ignored him.

"Y/N I WILL KICK THIS DOOR DOWN!!" Dean yelled and jiggled the door knob. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

Next thing you know, the door is kicked open. It ripped off its hinges and its lying on the floor. You glared at the angry Dean. He quickly ran in and started taking things out of your bag.

"Dean, stop." You said loudly and sternly. He ignored you and continued to rip clothing one by one out. You shoved him backwards and he stumbled.

"STOP!" You screamed.

"NO! You're not leaving. I'm not gonna let you." Dean said through gritted teeth.

"I'm an adult, Dean. What are you gonna do, kidnap me?" You asked your sarcasm still coming through despite how angry and upset you were.

"If that's what it takes." Dean said and shrugged.

"I'd kick your ass Winchester and you know it." You said and zipped up your bag. You grabbed your gun from under your pillow and your extra ammo from the night stand. You pushed past Dean and walked out of the room you had shared with him. He called your name behind you as you continued to walk away. Sam was sitting quietly in the living room. Sadness was written all over his face and you gave him a small smile.

You slipped on your shoes. Dean still yelling and screaming at you to stop. He said he would hunt you down and drag your little ass back here. You responded by rolling your eyes. You gripped the door knob and Dean snapped.

"Don't leave." He whimpered and you could hear his body collide with the floor. You knew if you turned around you would run over to him and comfort him and whisper everything he wants to hear to him. You pulled open the door and began to walk out before you came to a halt. You began second guessing.

You shook away the thoughts and slammed the door behind you. You began to walk until you came across a motel. You got into a random car and got wired it. It finally started and you pulled out. You began driving. You would never see Dean Winchester again. He would never see you.


So should I do a second part to this and the others? Or leave it here?

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