XI. Wicked game

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She suddenly felt two firm hands on the back of her shoulders. She closed her eyes and smiled lightly. She knew exactly who it was and turned around to find a smiling Niall. She returned the smile and turned her head back to the appealing view of the waves hitting the cliff a little further down the edge of the beach. Niall came to stand next to her and put his hands in his pockets.

"Hello stranger." Nina said after a relaxing moment of peaceful silence between the two friends. Niall turned his gaze from the sea to his friend next to him.

"I'm no stranger." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, it certainly feels like it." Nina then sighed and sets in turn her own eyes on Niall. She smiled with a hint of melancholy, wondering if he felt it too.

"It does, doesn't it?" Niall agreed. "I'm sorry. I know I've been a shit friend lately. We still haven't had that talk." Niall thought back to his promise he had once made to Nina after her ex cheated on her. He closed his eyes and cursed at himself. He knew very well Nina wasn't as strong as she let on, she had been feeling down and he wasn't there for her, he wasn't keeping his promise.

"Don't do that. Don't worry about me, I'm fine, Nialler." Nina said when she saw the usual little lines of worry on his forehead when he frowned. "Seriously, don't."

"But I promised you I would look after you, after...you know...what happened." He sighed, not wanting to bring back Nina's pain with his careless words, "And you've been acting weird."

"I'm. Fine." Nina turned to the boy and placed her hand on his shoulder. She squeezed it for assurance while looking him in the eyes.

"Is it because of him?" Niall asked carefully, not wanting to push anything. Nina turned back towards the sea, squinted her eyes to shield them from the fiery sun and tilted her head to the left.

"I don't know." She whispered.

"What's going on between you two?" Niall had to know.

"I don't know, Niall." She repeated, a little more agitated this time. "And to be honest, at this moment I don't want to know."

"I don't get it." Niall frowned again, not understanding the meaning of Nina's explanation.

"Well I don't get it either." Nina turned around, looking back at the group further ahead. She sighed and crossed her arms. "Ni, just don't ask about it. I don't know what's happening, but whatever Harry's doing, he's doing a great job to make me forget the shit that happened."

"Okay." He agreed. "I just don't trust him. He's got a reputation, I-I just-"

"Niall, stop. Focus on your own relationship first. Work on it, cherish it. Please," She smiled at him encouragingly, "I'm not mad at you for not keeping your promise if that's what you're thinking. I know I can come to you with whatever shit I have to get of my chest. I'm not mad okay? Besides, how could I? Especially since I've seen you so happy with Michelle."

She saw a sliver of hesitation, of resistance in his blue blue eyes, but urged him with a smile to stop overthinking his situation. Whatever she had said, was true. She didn't want Niall to keep babysitting her, she wanted him to focus on his own life. She didn't know whatever was happening with Harry, but deep down she had to admit she liked it. She turned her head once more to Niall and saw his lips parted, readying themselves to whisper some words, but a cheery, slightly bossy voice from none other than Louis called them over.

"Hey, you two over there, come on over. We're setting up the tents."

"Stop moping, Ni, and have some fun with your girl." Nina smiled while winking at him. He smiled back and took her hand. Both friends ran up to catch up to the rest of the group who were eagerly deciding on who would sleep in which tent.

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