Not Yourself

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This has been dedicated to Starryice for being the first to comment on the last chapter, you're awesome!



“Teddy where were you last night? We waited up for you in the common room, but you never came back before bedtime.” Allison asks me when I walk into the great hall.

I plop down on the bench and think about what happened last night “I was busy after detention, I was talking to some of the professors.” I start to look around the hall to and spot Angelis sitting next to that Lestrange guy again, but something was off about her.

“Teddy what are you looking at? Did Lestrange do anything to you? If so you shouldn’t worry about it, he hates everyone except Slytherins.”

I turn back to Allison “I will be right back.”

“Teddy where are you going, that’s the Slytherin table?”

I stand up “Yeah well my cousin is sitting at that table and I don’t care if Lestrange hates everyone.”

I walk over to the Slytherin table where Angelis sits “Well look who we have here. If it isn’t Lupin, what do you think you’re doing here?” Lestrange spits out.

I ignore him and look at Angelis who sits beside him, staring at him intently as though mesmerized “Angelis are you feeling alright?”

Angelis looks up at me then back to Lestrange and smiles “I am feeling just great Teddy, actually I am feeling better than great. Being with Kristoff is like a dream come true, Teddy.”

I glance between her and Lestrange to see him wink at me and then turn to Angelis “Did you hear that Lupin, Angelis loves hanging out with me so you should probably just leave.” Lestrange laughs.

I clench my fists and then grab Angelis’ arm, pulling her from her seat “I don’t care what she loves, she is my cousin and I know something is wrong. Whatever you did to her Lestrange, I will find out and curse you.”

I walk out of the great hall, dragging Angelis behind me all the way back to my dorm. We made it to the common room and I sit Angelis on the couch in front of the fireplace “Angelis what is going on? You are acting strange today; tell me what happened last night after I left you with Lestrange.” I ask and sit down beside her.

Angelis gives me a far off look and then smiles “Well we were walking back together when Kristoff came and walked me back to the Slytherin common room. From then we went to the common room and he hugged me, then we drank some pumpkin juice and stayed talking all night. It was wonderful Teddy; Kristoff is not as bad as you make him out to be.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from Angelis, it just wasn’t like her at all. I looked up at the clock to notice that class would be starting in about ten minutes “Angelis, please stay away from Lestrange, at least until classes end and then I will come look for you. I am really worried about you; this isn’t your behavior at all.”

Angelis giggles “Teddy you’re being a worrywart, there is nothing wrong with Kristoff and I will not stay away from him. You will just have to get used to me being with him, you’re acting like he is some bad guy. Well I have to get to class now Teddy can you walk with me?” I nod my head and she locks her arm with mine while we walk down to third floor.

I open the door to DADA and see Professor Malfoy sitting at her desk “Hello Angelis and Mr. Lupin, what can I do for you this morning?” she asks.

I let go of Angelis and walk up to Professor Malfoy’s desk “Uh Professor Malfoy, I am really worried about Angelis she seems to be acting really weird this morning. She is acting like she is infatuated with Lestrange.”

Passed Down (Sequel to Was I Meant For This?)Where stories live. Discover now