Twist of Fate

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Third Person:

"We have the results for this week’s round of duels. Mr. Potter and I have come to decide that the tournament will be cut shorter from the many students that have dropped out so far." Stacy announces in the dining hall.

No one makes a sound afraid of being picked on for quitting the tournament.

Sebastian takes a peek at Angelis from the corner of his eye "Did you really have to attack everyone you went against so forcefully?"

Angelis merely shrugs not caring to answer his question truthfully.

"So now the tournament will be based on first round knockout from here on out. Each dueler will fight one person and the winner of that match moves on. I will now let Mr. Potter read out the remaining duelers for the tournament." Stacy steps down from the podium and takes a seat in her chair beside Professor Cross.

Harry steps up to the podium, “The last remaining duelers for this tournament are Ted Lupin, Sebastian McHale, Mark Grace, and Angelis Malfoy. These four are the remaining duelers and will be competing against each other in a week’s time. Until then, all four of you must train with Professor Malfoy, so there will not be any unnecessary accidents or injuries. That is all everyone, have a good night.”

Harry steps off the podium and nods to Stacy before leaving the dining hall, Stacy stares at her plate unsure of how to control the tournament.

The students stand up from their seats in the great hall and make their way back to their dormitories; Angelis walks through the halls beside Sebastian and feels all eyes on her.

Sebastian looks around noticing the other students whispering and pointing, he leans in towards Angelis “Are you feeling alright? We can go where no one is around.”

Angelis shakes her head and shows a small smirk on her face, “Their actions will just make the final plan that much more enjoyable.”

Sebastian begins to worry about the plans that Angelis has entwined herself with, “Maybe we should just wait and see if we can get the wand first before starting another war or battle here at Hogwarts.”

Angelis stops in her tracks and stares at Sebastian, “Sebastian are your feelings beginning to falter?”

Sebastian looks away knowing very well the punishment he will receive if he reveals his true feelings about their mission.

Angelis turns away from Sebastian not wanting to see at his face, “If you don’t care to complete our mission, you can always go speak with Kristoff, but I worry for your safety if you decide to do that.”

Angelis takes a few steps before stopping to look back at Sebastian, “Please don’t put yourself in danger. I cannot bear to see you punished.” Angelis smiles at Sebastian before walking away and leaving him in disbelief.

Sebastian makes his way to an empty closet and disapparates to the one person he tends to speak to.

He lands in front of the black manor and slowly steps up the stone path to the door, but as he reaches for the doorknob, it swings open revealing Christine in the doorway.

“Sebastian, come in! Kristoff is in the sitting room with Bellatrix.”

Sebastian nods to Christine and walks to the sitting room when he hears Bellatrix’s voice, “Kristoff, she will begin the third wizarding war once she retrieves the wand during her final duel. This is all working out perfectly, Hogwarts will be under our control finally and we will get rid of that filthy mutt of a son of my half-blood niece.”

“Aunt Bella, how are you going to get rid of Ted Lupin?” Kristoff asks.

Bellatrix’s cackle pierces the air through the room, “Well Mark Grace is a dear son to a fellow deatheater that was loyal to the Dark Lord and looking forward to the new Dark Lady.”

Passed Down (Sequel to Was I Meant For This?)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ