The letter

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Dear diary, 2/26

Hello again, I just got out of school that sucked I got pushed into a locker, by one of Rachel's friends. I don't think she meant it. Anyways I got home and my mom gave me a letter. I bet you can't guess who. I'll give you one hint, someone I don't like.

My dad.

In the letter he said " Hello baby girl, well damn you are not really a baby anymore. Wow 17 going on 18 in a month. Sorry I have not seen you in 8 years." All I am think is how could he say this, he doesn't really mean it. But I kept reading. "Last time I seen you, you were about 9 and Kaden was almost 2. Sorry for all the mistakes. Well I am married now to a beautiful, short, red head. Oh what am I saying, I don't really think you care. How is you and your brother? I hope fine. Please take are of your mom for me, if I was there I would, but I am obviously not there. Like I said sorry.
P.S please write back.
Love dad"

Well I thought my day was bad so far, this just got worse. I am pissed he has not contacted me in eight years. Why would he just now, how about the day he left, how about the day he told mom he did not like her anymore. Just why now? Not only that, he was correct I don't give a crap about his new wife he will just treat her like he treated mom.
UHHHHHH! I am so aggravated.

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