I saw him on my way to class after lunch and I was walking with Q, he saw me and I saw him and he looked away and passed us by. My heart sank, even though after fighting the edge of looking back and hoping he'd be looking at me too,I did and I was disappointed,I was disappointed in me. Q noticed but she didn't bother to ask and I don't blame her, if she did I would have probably lied like last time.

This is what I wanted right?
Yes! Better be safe then sorry.
The old Tasha was back, the Tasha that doesn't hang out with a boy during midnight, the Tasha that studies hard and doesn't play, maybe that's why she was so dull.

It's almost two weeks since mom left and everyone is doing great, she hasn't contacted us yet.I know she said she wouldn't but a nice postcard would do the job.
I wonder if she'll come back the same or maybe she'll be a changed person.
I totally fear change,it's one thing that you usually don't see in yourself but other people can definitely see it in you.

Maybe she'll talk differently or maybe she'll cut and dye her hair.That would be a huge change but we can adapt to those changes. The only changes I will not tolerate will be social changes. I just hope this whole vacation doesn't make her an out going person.I just want her to come back refreshed and back to herself again.

What if she meets a guy?
Nope, won't happen mom is old fashioned she doesn't believe in love at first sight, she believes that people grow into love. If she does come back with a guy that would be my worst nightmare coming true. I don't want her to die alone believe me but I just want someone perfect for her.

Not someone who doesn't even know us, enough about my mom! I have more pressing matters like fixing my friendship with Q.
Maybe I should start coming more often to her house and cheer her up.
I messed up real bad, and Alex, I think it's better this way.

Tomorrow is Megan's play, she is so nervous, I'm really looking forward to seeing her acting.It's a pity mom will not be there but she's got us and I'm just glad she's doing well in schoolwork.
As I held my pillow tight I smiled at the joke Alex made about the teddy bear.I could really use it right now.


"Is everyone ready?" Taylor asked the next morning as we were about to go to school.
It's Friday,huray to people who have places to be and people to meet.Cheers to those who will be partying tonight. I think today is the day to get my best friend back! I need her, the way Alex and I ended terms is eating me inside and I need someone to talk to.

Yep,I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell her everything and I'm not gonna hide anything else from her even if I don't feel comfortable saying it. She's my best friend and I love her so much and I never meant to shut her out.

"Are you ready for tonight Juliet?" I asked Megan as got in the car.
"Piece of cake,it's just a dumb play," she said.
"Okay! I feel you,go get them tiger," I smiled...
I finally arrived at school and met up with Q. I then told her that I was willing to talk about what's eating me inside and that I wanted her back.

But she kept on insisting all the way to our first class that she liked things better in this way we're currently in.Fortunately, as good as I am in apologizing she agreed.
"Good morning guys,today's lesson's about..." Mr Adams started.


..."Okay my friend are you ready?" I asked Q. We were now at the cafeteria having lunch.
"Let's get this over with," she smiled.
"So,we arrived at the venue more two hours early and it was his intention and turns out it was his house,the wedding took place in his gigantic,big beautiful mansion. It was a dream house I'm telling. He took me on a tour around it and every room he showed me took my breath away.

And turns out he has a tree house and I bet it's the same size as my house.There was Kenzie,please let me finish. She invited me and Alex to go sit with them, and 'them' is his friends which I acquainted. Kenzie wanted me gone,she wanted me to leave and get out of Alex's life and surprisingly Alex knew it but I still needed to go.

We had a disagreement and I cried in front of him. He was so pissed, but he did his best to controll himself. Oh, we went outside and Charlie came to us and noticed the tension and suggested for us to take a drive around and talk. We did that,ended up in the mall,he got me that hoodie and a cake which I forgot to take with me. We talked and he finally came to his senses and he agreed, he wanted me to be safe.

We got home and I felt sorry for him as he was alone and had no one to go to, so I stayed with him for a while in the car. Minutes later we were fighting and I am to blame,you know how stubborn I am and I'm very quick to judge. A hot head I am. He admitted his weaknesses to me and I rubbed it in his face.

I knew him then,I mean he told me a summary of his life, his history,present and his future. One thing I know is that I hurt him bad, real bad.
And now he's avoiding me and it's eating me up, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you," I exhaled.

"Wow,okay! Didn't expect that much detail,you don't know how to summarize," she started.
"Come on Q,is that all you can say?" I asked.
"Fine,I forgive you but I'm steal going to sustain from all your drama," she said.
"Please I need you to tell me what I'm feeling right now," I begged.
"Well to be honest I think you miss him a lot,lot and I don't blame you but also I think you should reach out to him and apologize and also I think I'm gonna rip Kenzie apart!" She exclaimed.

"I don't think so, on both cases. I don't think I should reach out first and I don't think you rip Kenzie apart," I said.
"It was just my opinion," she said.
She suddenly laughed,
"What?" I asked.
"You really don't see it do you?" She continued to laugh.

"I see it, it's very clear that we made a wrong decision and I shouldn't have taken the easy way out, I see it but-" she cut me off.
"No buts,you're done your feelings are confirmed and I'm glad it was not by me," she smiled.
"So what am I going to do now?" I asked.

"What's stopping you from dating him?" She asked.
"I don't want to date!" I exhaled.
"I don't have time for this," she exhaled.
"Okay, I can't be friends with him because of my mom and because of Kenzie," I said.
"Great, your mom is not here is she?" She asked.

"Where are you going with this?" I asked back.
"Listen,what she doesn't know won't hurt her and besides she's having the time of her life,shouldn't you?" She asked. Good point.
"What about Kenzie?" I asked.
"Have something on her, blackmail her so that she can get off your back," she said.

"But how?" I asked mostly to myself.
"I don't know,it can be anything," she said. Wait! I can get a confession from her, I can make her admit to killing Courtney.
"I think I might have something," I said...
"Well I guess it's safe to say you're back on the horse," she smiled.

"Not yet," I exhaled.
"He hasn't forgiven me yet," I sighed.
"Dude,talk to him because he can't avoid you forever,if it takes you to cry again do so!" she laughed.
"Stop it," I nudged her. I'm glad she's back.

Alex here I come!...
But just to be clear, I'm gonna be his friend that's all.
I hope he acceptsmy apology.

"You got to admit that your life got interesting since you met him," she smiled.
"No it didn't!" I exclaimed.
"So tell me,why do you hang out with him?" She asked.
"The first time I hanged out with him, he called me up late at night and I was so sleepy so he made an offer that I would go to sleep only if I hang out with him tomorrow midnight and it's mostly like that in other cases," I said.

"Sounds romantic," she laughed.
"Aren't you going to eat that apple?" I changed the topic.
"Leave my apple alone and start working on your apology," she said.
"You coming to Megan's play tonight?" I asked.
"Absolutely," she cheered.

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