You Took My Arrow?!

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Monica is a planner. She had always been a planner. But...

She had not planned this.

Let's take it back to a little earlier today. She and Jayden had made plans to go shop for a few new clothes, bring Owen, Josuke and Alicia along (Sam had refused). It was simple, Monica phoned her mother, mentioning the fact she won't be home until later that night and waited until Jayden showed up at her door.

Jayden was already going to go with her mother anyway, so instead of the normal walk to the Pharmacy, it was a drive to the strip mall about half an hour away. It was all well and good, until she was being laughed at by the two fashionistas in their 5 person group.

Which fashionistas, you ask?

Well, Jayden was an obvious first answer, but who was the second? Monica? No way, her fanciest set of clothes were originally her sisters, her sister gave it to her because they were too ugly. Owen? Oh, please, let's not even go there. Alicia, maybe? Doubtfully, she dresses better than the two weebs huddling in the corner of a clothes rack over there but it was nothing special.

Wait? Weebs in a clothes rack? "Monica, Owen! Get out of there before the clerk kicks us out!" Alicia scalded the duo, aggravated already, the afternoon had just begun.

Anyways, back on track, there was only one answer left.


Who'd have thought Josuke had something in common with Jayden?

Every piece of clothing Jayden brought to Monica, Monica rejected with a clean "I don't wear colours."

Every piece of clothing Josuke brought to Owen was rejected with a (not so) clean "I'll just stick to sweaters."

These repeated answers led both Josuke and Jayden to become ridiculously annoyed with Owen and Monica, which is why Owen and Monica hid in the center of a clothes rack, while Jayden uselessly yelled at them.

As for Alicia, she was acting like how she normally did, mature and uncaring. Uncaring unless the other four were doing something childish that she had no choice but to give each of them a brutal slap on the face for.

Jayden's mother left them with a kind goodbye, telling Jayden to call her when they were ready to come home. For money, her mother left her with some early Christmas funds for herself. Alicia was pretty wise with her money and had a lot to buy whatever with. Josuke was fine as well, something about a relative lending him a credit card, or two (or 20), he was pretty interested in the shops, since he'd never been out of Morioh. Monica and Owen were dirt poor, well almost dirt poor, Monica had $7 she'd stolen from her sister in retaliation to her stealing Monica's good scissors, Owen had like $40 his parents lent him for figure skates (don't ask).

Monica, of course, lied to the others about her funds, in fact she told them not to worry, for her mother had lent her a credit card as long as she consulted her with the purchases (complete bullshit, by the way).

But why would Monica lie? The answer is within her stand ability, with her stand ability, her funds are practically limitless.

"Hey Monica, how about this one?" Jayden looked to a seated Monica, holding up some deep purple shirt.

It only interested Monica for roughly 4 seconds before she deemed it unworthy of her wardrobe. "I told you already, the only colours I accept is dark red and any shade of green is fine." Looking back at her phone, she was able to read the next few lines of a fanfic before being interrupted yet again.

"Any luck over here?" Josuke peeped in from over at the boy's section, Monica didn't know Owen well, but if she had to guess, he's probably staring at some sweater too expensive to ever grace his fingers.

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