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The photo above is Ace (Diego Barrueco irl)
Cassedy's pov

The kiss lasts about 10 long seconds before he pulls away. I look at his face and there's a glow to it that wasn't there before. His eyes dialated and more golden brown this time. His lips were pink and a smile creeped on them within seconds.

My eyes were wide. A stranger just kissed me..what?

"Eh chem" Matteo clears his throat. Both of our heads whip forward, forgetting that I'm in a party filled with people..and Matt staring at us.

His fists are clenched at his side's and hes got a look on his face. Is it anger? I don't know I couldn't tell with the dimness in the room. Why was he taking it so hard? I was never his, I barely know him.

"You proved your point Ace." He says with a strong tone

"Ace?" I say lowly

"What you didn't know your own boyfriends name?" He raised an eyebrow looking at me, then Ace, then me again.

So his name is Ace..
It's not a regular name..its kind of mysterious. A little like him..

"Anyway," Ace says grabbing my hand again "We'll be going"  he turns around and pulls me torward the front door.

"Where you off to love birds?" Matt continues to push on Ace's buttons. I can see it's affecting him because his grip on my hand tightened.

"Where we go is none Of your fucking business. She's not yours" and with that, he leaves taking me with him by hand.

We stand outside for a second or two before he brakes the silence.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Do you feel okay? Where did he touch you?" He rambles and his eyes trail up and down my body. He's worried about someone he doesn't even know.. I've never seen him in my life but he's obviously concerned.

I giggle at the concentration on his face.

"What?" He stiffens

"Nothing I just.." I straighten out my clothes "Uhm, who are you?"

He takes his hands off of me and laughs awkwardly "Wow" he says rubbing his neck.

"Shit sorry.. I didn't mean it like that, I just"

"No it's okay I get it" he stops me "I'm Ace"

"So why did you kiss me?" I say a little lower.. I didn't want to just bring it up but I needed to know.

He strikes a devilish smirk
"What?" He says playfully "You didn't like it"

My eyes widen and my face immediately heats up. I can feel my face go pink with embarrassment.

"No-- I did I just--I"

"So you liked it?" He says with a playful look in his eyes, he knows what he's doing, I try to cover my face with my hair but it doesn't work.

"Well if you must know, I kissed you because he wouldn't stop. He wasn't going to stop until he thought that you were taken"

"Okay," I twiddle my fingers "that makes sense, but why did you help me.. You could've easily walked away. You don't even know me"

He steps closer to me and leans his face close to mine

"What can I say? I'm a bad boy with a good heart" he pulls back from me, winks, and walks away.

I get a chill, suddenly realizing how cold it was without him there.

Who was he.. all I knew was his name

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