Other Humans

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Third POV

As Alex looked at the other human he said, "Who are you?" As he did he heard a roar coming from behind him and he and HE turned around to see a giant wolf. As they backed up, HE readied his gun but both saw a trail of rose petals appear and the girl from before took form and used a giant scythe on the creature. Both of them looked at the creature as it turned to ashes and disappeared. "What was that, and who are you." Alex asked again.

"I'm Ruby." Ruby told him.

He was confused and looked at HE. "HE, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked.

"Of course sir." HE told him.

They walked over to a section of the tree line out of ear shot of Ruby. "Think we can trust her?" Alex asked HE with a bit of concern.

"She did save us from the creature." HE said with a bit of trust in his voice.

"Okay then, good enough for me." Alex told him as they walked back over. "So, Ruby, do you mind telling us where we are?" He asked.

"Your on Remnant, one of the most interesting planets of all." She told them with excitement. That's when three others appeared.

"Ruby, don't ever run off again." The white haired one said.

"Who and what are they." The Black haired one asked.

"Are they the reason we're out here?" The one with Yellow hair asked.

"Oh, right, everyone this is, um, what's your name again?" Ruby asked him.

"I'm Alexander Ryan, but you can call me Alex." He told them. "This is HE."

"Greetings." HE said.

"Right, and this is Weiss, Blake, and my sister Yang." Ruby said.

"Salutations Alex and HE, I'm Weiss." Weiss bowed.

"I'm Blake." Blake said as she just stood there.

"I'm Yang, and it's nice to meet you." Yang said with her signature smile.

"Pleasures all mine." Alex said. "So, could you help me, I need to contact the Militia Fleet to relay my coordinates before the IMC get here."

"Who are the IMC?" Ruby asked.

"There an army that seeks to control the galaxy with an iron fist. The Militia are freedom fighters who sought to free the universe of IMC control and grant everyone independence." Alex said as he looked back up at the stars.

"So who do you fight alongside?" Blake asked.

"The Militia, obviously. The IMC attacked my home world of Taris. We didn't even do anything, and yet, the IMC still invaded. The militia came to our rescue when no one else would. That's why I joined, to see my home be free of the IMC." He said.

As he finished telling his story and looked over to see them crying. "That's the saddest, sweetest story I've ever heard." Yang said as she tried to hold back the tears.

"I had no idea this was going on, and we've been in the middle." Weiss said as tears rolled down her cheek.

"This reminds me so much of the Great War." Blake said as she looked over at both HE and I.

Alex looked at Ruby to see her balling her eyes out, and then pulls out a locket. After pulling it out everyone looks over at it and comes over to see what it was.

Alex pressed a button and it opened up to reveal a family photo. "This is the last thing I have that I can use to remember my dad." Alex said as tears fell out of his helmet. "I lost my dad during the invasion, and I was only ten years old at the time." Tears continued to fall. Soon enough, Ruby hugged Alex.

"I'm so sorry about your loss." She said as tears fell from her face and the others joined in. Soon after, they let go and dried they're tears.

"Come with us, we know someone who can help." Yang said.

Alex dried his tears. "Okay, thank you." He said as they all nodded. After that, they started heading back to Beacon.

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