Chapter 8

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( Might have some mature content but still suitable for 12+ I guess.. )

"It means that you've agreed right ?"

"Nah. Let's just be friends."

"You're such a loyal person, so there's nothing I can do about it." He grinned. Instead of answering, I just raised both shoulder and showed him a proud face. Kihyun ruffled my hair before he left to join his other members. Somehow I have a bad about feeling tonight. "Ah goosebumps."

"Lee Ji Eun.""It's him.."

He turned my shoulder facing him."Hey look at me." He stares at me firmly. It's Mr. Heart Breaker, Im Changkyun.

"W-why are you staring at me like that ?" I stuttered, trying to avoid his eyes.

"I want you."

I flinched. "You're drunk. Go away."

"I'm not." He protested. He suddenly grab my wrist and drag me somewhere else. "Let me go." I told him in a almost shouting voice but he still holding me tight. Nobody seems to notice anything, they seems to mind their own business.

Changkyun slides the card on the door and pushes me inside. He locked the door and moved closer to me. I took a few steps behind until I reached the wall. "Shit."

"Please don't do anything to me." I begged. He put on a sinister smile on his face.

"It wouldn't be wrong if I just wanted to taste you a bit." He said, taking of his shirt and toss it aside.

"Go away, you sex lunatic!" I shouted and kicked his chest away from me. I tried to run away but he immediately held my arm and pinned me on the bed.

At this view he looks so damn hot. His beautiful lined abs can fully be seen although he says that he didn't have any. Not to mention his messy grayish hair and brown eyes looking as if he wants to shoot lasers at me. Why do I have such a sexy ex like him ?

"I won't hurt you but I want you to know that it hurts me when I saw you talking with other guy instead of me. Especially with that 'Pink Hyung'." He made a disgusted face. I thought I was the only one who call Kihyun, pink boy.

"Then let me go. Don't do like what you did to that girl three years ago."

His face suddenly darken. "Don't talk about her again would you?!" He groaned. I was in shock to hear him scream like that. It made me lost of words.

"That woman was absolutely nothing to me! I only used her as a reason to break up with you since our company forbidden us from having any affair in and outside the company. I regret everything I did to you that day. I destroyed you in one night and hoping you to forgive me so easily, I was so stupid. I'm such an idiot !" He shouted to himself. I never knew about the forbidden thing because he never told me about it. Not even once.

"Wait, so does that means you and her have nothing ? You never cheated on me ?"

"Of course." He caressed my cheek as he talk. "I love you. I love you so much Lee Ji Eun."

He leaned closer to my face until our lips finally met each other. The light suddenly became dimmer. His cherry lips were so soft with the tastes of a strawberry. He bit my lower lip as we are kissing each other playfully. The smell of his cologne that night were nice as well which reminds me of the ones he always wore on our date because he says that he only wear that during special events, 'The 12 Sides'.

"Thank you for telling me the truth. It would be better for you to tell me the truth from the start. I love you too my Kku-Kkungie." I told him between our kiss while I run my fingers through his hair.

"You're pretty greedy right. I thought you already have Kihyun hyung as a replacement." He said in a joking tone but he looks serious. "Listen to me. There's nobody who could replace my Im Changkyun, not even a prince charming because only you have the empty piece of my heart." I explained.

The edge of his lips rise up and a smile is visible on his face. "I know." He answered confidentially as our lips parted.

"I think we should stop. It would be a weird if they notice we're gone for too long."

Changkyun licked his lips and stood up. "Come on~" He said with his deep sexy voice and pull out his hand. I snatched it and gave him a smile.


It's such a wonderful night and nobody can give it to me other than him. He reminds me why I first choose him. His sweet words, gentleman attitude, sexy voice, his weird personality, his fighting spirit and many more than what I could list on.

He blinded me with love.

Sealed me in his gaze.

I'm just a human who was chosen to love him and I never regret any second with him.


I woke up with a fresh feeling, still thinking about last night. "My Kku-Kkungie!" I screamed and dip my face under the blanket. I think I've back to my old selves again which I lost it years ago. You might don't believe me but this is the daily thing that I do after I wake up before breaking up with him eventhough I look so dark outside.

I took a bath and give him a call.

"Yeoboseyo~ What's the occasion ?"

"I miss you, that's the thing."

"Let's meet up. I'll go to your room. Right now !"


"Whoa, that's super fast.""One second !" I rushes towards the door and unlock the locks on the door as fast as I could.

"Changkyunie you're so..."

My sentence ends there and probably the end of my freedom as well. I'm done for sure.

"Eunwoo oppa..what a shock to meet you here. Now."


Sorry for the late update ㅠ ㅠ
I'm still in shock because of last night
( BTS won Best Artist and my emotions were still unstable )
Btw,  congrats to the other winners as well♥

Monsta X also won an award last night BUT THAT FREAKING MAMA JUST GAVE THEM LIKE 2 MINUTES, I'M..
At least they have Jooheon rapping for us but hope they have their own stage for at least 10 minutes next year..
HEAR ME MAMA 2017 ?!

I can't wrote it as what you expect it to be but I've tried my best to make it as I could. Just thank you for everything.
- I'm not ending this book yet ! Just, a plain thank you for reading it up til here. -

Sorry for being emo.. I don't know where I should should let out my anger if it's not here.. *90 degree bow*

- Author T T

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