Revenge pt.1

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I had had just about enough with "perfect" little Missy Evans. I was done with the way she acted so sweet and how she pretended to be so nice and the way she made every teacher in the whole damn school love her. F-A-K-E, fake that's what she was. I could have just so easily snapped when she had gotten me in trouble for saying "crap" in class and I had to serve detention for a week, or when she screamed so loud that she almost broke my ear drums, or when I slipped on her mess of clothes on the locker room floor and sprained my ankle, but no, what had really set me off was the nasty rumor she had spread around the school about me. No one looks at me the same anymore, no one talks to me the same now. I just had to get revenge, there wasn't any other option. And oh did I have a plan. Every detail had been planned out for a long time now, and anything that could go wrong was accounted for. The only thing I had to wait for now, was when to set this perfect little plan into motion and ruin perfect little Missy Evans. And that leads me to hear. You, the reader. When I graduate high school, this will be my first book I publish. Maybe I'll make more, but the world must know about my fabulous stiry, the best revenge ever taken. 

Late at Night:)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin