Scene 2

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As Jack approaches the cabin, he hears the sound of people laughing and talking over each other raucously. The window is bright in the fading light. Jack steps onto the porch and knocks on the cabin door.

The commotion inside the cabin quiets, and after a moment a man opens the door. Behind him, Jack catches sight of a man straightening in his chair. The man in the chair stares intently at Jack. Jack can't see anyone else, but he senses there are more people inside. The cabin reeks of alcohol, and both men, but especially the one in the chair, look inebriated.

HENRY. Hello? Who are you? What are you doing here?

JACK. Hello. My name is Jack. I'm traveling with a friend, sir, and we're looking for some shelter for the night. We were wondering whether you had some room to spare.

The man strokes his chin, and then he points a finger behind Jack.

HENRY. That's your friend back there?

Jack turns to look. Rooster and Neddy are a single, dark, vague smudge in the distance. Coley and Tom, the kitten, are not in sight.

JACK. That's him.

HENRY. There's no room in here.

LOVELL (laughing hysterically). No room here! Gonna hafta sleep outside... with the bears! Hahaha! Don't get eaten!

The eyes of the man at the door narrow in displeasure, as he turns slightly toward the disruptive man in the chair. Then he remembers Jack.

HENRY. I assume you're headed toward Dunlavin? There's an old woodcutter living about a mile that way. Maybe he's got a room to spare.

JACK. Thank you very much, sir. Have a good night.

Jack begins to walk away. The man watches him for a few moments before retreating into the cabin.

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