Chapter 1- SAMPLE

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"OK, now we can get a midget as the priest and I'll make sure that the ring bearer is dressed as a bear." I said, staring at the strangest couple ever.

"Great! That's perfect! Oooh can I get a clown." The future bride exclaimed and I inwardly flinched.

The husband chuckled at his wife and said of course.

"Oook, get a clown." I noted on my iPad.

"Good, now that we've made all of our requests, we'll leave the rest to you, Ms. Brown." The husband said,

"Of course, have a nice lunch and I'll call you if anything comes up." I grinned at them as they walked out of my office.

You think being a wedding planner is easy and simple, but it just ends up being strange and hard.

I ran my hand through my long brown hair and finished taking down my notes.

You think being a wedding planner is easy and normal, but it just ends up being hard and strange.

"Where the hell is this going to fit in." I asked myself,

The Jacobs were the last meeting I had for the day so I decided take the rest of the day off. I am my own boss after all.

I took up my Chanel bag and my phone in the same hand as my bag was resting on my arm and walked out to my temporary assistant. I have a bunch of other employees around the city and world seeing that my business is very big, well known, and successful.

My main office is in Paris though. I'm in Manhattan where I'm helping the Jacobs who specifically asked that I do their wedding.

"Maria, if I get any calls say I'm busy and here's the stuff I need for the Jacobs wedding." I said, handing her my work iPad where I recorded some late addings.

"Yes Ms. Brown." She said, nodding her head.

"Good, have a good day Maria." I said, walking away and heard her say goodbye.

I walked onto the busy streets of Manhattan and saw that my personal driver parked on the side.

"Hello, Albert. Please take me to the closest café." I said and got into the car as he held the door for me.

"As you wish Ms. Brown." Albert said and walked to the driver's side and drove off.

Albert was an old man that looked like the Butler from batman. He was my trusty driver that I loved like a father.

We finally stopped and Albert held the door for me and I told him he could return for me in an hour.

I quickly grabbed my laptop which I left in the car in the morning.

The café was actually quite delightful considering this is Manhattan.

I took a seat at a far corner by a window and turned on my laptop.

I checked six of my emails for any requests on weddings and so far I had twenty.

I read and mailed some of my employees the tasks of doing the events as I dealt with the one's that requested me which was like half of them.

At some point a waitress came to take my order in which I ordered some ginger tea and a slice red velvet cake. I have a very sweet tooth.

She soon brought what I ordered and I was half way through my tea and already finished my cake.

Phone Rings.

I picked up my phone seeing that it was one of my closest friends calling me.

"Hey Lexi." I said once I picked up.

"Hey Marie, how have you been?" She asked,

"I'm good. I'm in Manhattan right now dealing with a wedding." I said as I drank my tea.

"That's wonderful. Guess what?" She asked, sounding very excited.

"You got a fish." I guessed,

"No." She said,

"You got a job." I guessed again,

"Nope." She said giggling,

"I give up." I said,

"I'm engaged!" She screamed into the phone.

"That's wonderful Lexi! Who's the lucky girl?" I asked,

Lexi was an open Lesbian which I loved her for.

"Well her name is Charlie and we met at the college I go to." She said,

"That's great, darling." I said,

"I was wondering if you could plan our wedding, Please?" She asked,

"I'd love to." I said,

"Thank you so much! We tried doing it on our own, but we couldn't find a priest that would marry us." She said,

"Its OK, I know plenty of priest that would be honored to marry two gorgeous lesbians." I said,

"Thank you so much! I love you!" She said,

I could imagine her jumping up and down.

"I'll send you the details and where we are so we could meet up." She said and I agreed.

"I have to go now, bye." She said,

"Bye." I said and hung up.

"Make that five weddings to plan." I said and wrote it down on my calendar in my phone.

I decided to spend the rest of my hour listening to Pandora on my laptop and playing games on it all while ordering different kinds of desserts.

Albert came for me at some point and I left and told him to take me to the hotel where I was staying at.

A bell boy from the hotel helped me carry my bags that I had for the day as we went to my suite.

I didn't bother go to the front desk because I knew where my room was which is on the 20th floor room 514.

The elevator ride took some the seeing as it had to stop almost every floor, but it soon reached the floor that I had to get off and the bell boy followed me to my room.

I searched my bag for the room key and opened my door. The room was a good moderate size, but I won't get into that.

"You can set my bags on the table." I told the bell boy and he nodded his head and set them down where I told him to.

"Have a good evening." The bell boy said and left.

I slipped off my black pumps and took off my short pink blazer that reached my elbows. I was left in my silky white short sleeved shirt that had flower patterns on it and a high waist blue short pants.

I walked into my room and fell first on the bed. I turned on my Bluetooth on my phone that connected to the room sound system and the Offspring came on.

I took off the rest of my clothes and walked into the bathroom where I took a nice long bath and brushed my teeth after I was done with my bath.

I was now dressed in a white tank top, a pair of neon orange boxers, and neon different colored socks.

I walked into the kitchen that was in the hotel room and made myself some cold chocolate.

I walked back to my room and spent the rest of my night watching "You Again" on TV.

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