Chapter 3: Malfoy's Idea

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They sat in silence staring at the floor for what seemed like an eternity. His silence telling Hermione that she would be locked up very soon.

"I believe you," he said suddenly. "I've never used that spell myself. I prefer to just let things play out naturally. It never made sense to me why anyone would want to take away an option for their future," he said, more to himself than to her.

Draco looked like he was in deep thought. He stood and started pacing around the room while Hermione sat on the couch watching him through careful eyes. Looking directly at her he addressed her again, "Here's what you're going to do, you are not to speak of this to anyone. It's out of the question. You are not to tell anyone about what you've done." Draco was preparing for a fight, but Hermione was relieved. She didn't want anyone to know that she was from the past, and one too many people already knew.

When enough time passed where he knew she was not going to start an argument he spoke once more. "Also, we're supposed to attend dinner at my parents house in an hour," Draco said, looking at her apologetically.

"We're going to skip it," she nodded, watching him.

"No," his said narrowing his eyes. "Your relationship with them is already strained enough as it is. Your attendance is mandatory."

"Well that's all the more reason not to go," she argued.

"Hermione, you can't ruin this for us."

"I can't be around them. They-" Hermione paused. It would be rude to talk poorly of someones family in front of them, but then she thought about who they were, and all the people they harmed during the war.

Attempting to sound authoritative, she spoke once more, "I refuse to be around terrible people. Their goal is to rid the world people like me. Do you not remember the war?"

"They're not terrible people!" Draco yelled. "You grew up differently than us! You weren't taught to think traditionally like us. You haven't walked a minute in our shoes! You guys won the war, you-"

"We won the war? Tell me Malfoy, do you still believe in bad blood? Am I still not worthy of magic?" Hermione sat on the edge of her seat, with her nails digging into the couch. "I hate to break it to you, but the wizarding world is better off without your prejudices. Wizards and Witches aren't worried about their loved ones going 'missing'. People aren't being murdered. Your intolerant ways have no place in this world anymore."

Draco stood motionless, letting the words sit in. He couldn't believe that Hermione still thought this after five years of being together.

"I have spent every day making amends to you for what I did in the war! Why would I propose to you if I still believed in all the things I did before the war? I moved here for you to be happy! So we could start our lives together away from the mess in the wizarding world... I use the blasted front door because you wanted to submerge yourself in muggle life! How can you question my support for freedom after all this time?"

Hermione realized she probably shouldn't have been so temperamental towards the first questionable thing Draco said.

This was Malfoy though. She wasn't used to a decent Draco. In fact, if anyone had asked her a few minutes ago if it were possible for Draco to be decent, she'd laugh until the owls came home.

The conversation replayed in her head. A pleasant Malfoy was improbable, yes, but not impossible. Her face grew pale when she thought about the significance of what he said.

"We're engaged?" Hermione asked quietly. If this were true, things were much more serious than she had originally thought.

Draco sobered, suddenly remembering their predicament. "I'm sorry, I just... forgot about this," he said, one hand waving between them. Draco took a deep breath and answered her previous question, "Yes, we're engaged."

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