Chapter One- The trouble

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"Watch, where you're going!" A male voice rang out, barging me out of the way and disappearing down the corridor before I could retaliate.

I flew against the wall, with my files I had previously organised the night before, scattered everywhere.

It was only the first day of work and I had already made a mess of everything.

Well, he had.....

If I had just caught a glance at him. A sudden thought came; I could break into the security office and find out who he was.

I was too busy thinking and murmuring curse words to myself; I didn't notice, a hand reaching out to me.

"I'm fine" I tried to say confidently, but only managing a tiny whisper.

I was pulled up anyways by strong firm hands, I stood face to face with a man, I let out a grunt. His face was a blur of movement.

"I said I was fine" I insisted, putting on my brave face.

"Yh, you sure look like it" he grinned, pointing at my knee. I don't know if he was being sarcastic or not but it was getting irritating. Couldn't he just take the hint that I was putting him off?

I knew perfectly well I wasn't fine; I was too flustered and faint to even move and the sooner he left the sooner I could start crying.

The gash on my knee was previously sewn together from the moment I stabbed my knee with the metal at a bar but that was a whole other story which would be explained at another time in another period. Seeing as I'd rather cover it up and stick a huge Moana plaster on it.

"I guess I'll be on my way" I hastily turned and my knees gave up on me. The sudden drop I made wasn't the least embarrassing thing that happened; it was how unprofessional I looked. My neatly combed hair was a mess, my blood was everywhere and, everyone just stared silently as if I was their only form of entertainment they had seen in a while.

I snorted and blew a strand of hair out of my face.

He lifted me up by my arms and I limped beside him to the infirmary.

"I don't need your help!" I mumbled helplessly. I looked around cautiously, what if he didn't work here? And what if he was an important visitor? How would that look to my boss? How could I be so stupid?

"You'll thank me later"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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