‘Then I have to show you’re wrong.’

I say and without any hesitation I throw myself forward and hit him in his stomach. Only he is fast and half blocks my attack, pushes my leg to the right and gets me out of balance. I duck to avoid his fist to make contact with my cheek and kick him in the back of his knee and he falls to the ground. Fast I get up and get an arrow out of the quiver on my back and point it at him, the string tightened ready to let the arrow fly through his heart.

Hawk looks at me in frustration and awe and I stay like that for a few seconds although I will never let the string go.

Hook laughs and puts his hand on my shoulder, totally distracting me again.

‘I’d say she is up to the job, what about you?’ He says leading me to the woods, leaving Hawk in the dust. When I glance over my shoulder, he gets up and starts to follow us with his head down and I can’t help but smirk.

‘Where did you learn that?’ Hook asks, not able to hide his awe either and my smirk grows wider.

‘My dad is a ex-cop. He had me have self-defence lessons since I was able to walk. He also gave me shooting lessons a couple times.’ I explain to him. My father did that till the moment my mom died. After that he was just a shadow of the man he once was. He was never the same again.

‘How could I ever have thought you were helpless when I met you.’ Hook says shaking his head.

‘Because I felt helpless then.’ I say looking ahead. ‘But not anymore.’


It is a hell of a hike to the place where the Dreamshade grows and we even have to climb up pretty high to get there. And if I forgot to mention yet, I’m afraid of height. Very. Much. Afraid. But I’m not going to chicken out after I totally beat Hawk in a fight.

We are walking in a fast pace, Hawk a bit behind still ashamed of his lost.

‘How far is it?’ I ask after I almost tripped over a tree root that seemed to have magically appeared in frond of my feet.

‘We have to travel higher in order to get close to the place were it grows.’ Hook answers.

‘Great.’ I say quietly. As soon as I got my answer I could feel the ground go up and not much later I had to push myself to keep up pace. I was not used to walk up hills, which you probably can imagine when you are afraid of heights.

Another thing to my mind right now, that is a helpful distraction from my fears, is the kiss. At the moment Hook and I kissed it felt like it meant something. But maybe it was naïve of me to think there was more to it. That he may stay with me when we get away here. According to all the other people Hook isn’t someone to stick with one woman. Hadn’t Tinkerbell said I was his toy and hadn’t Hawk said the almost exact thing? What if it was true? Maybe he never had a relationship after Milah, only one night stands. I don’t want to be that kind of woman. I don’t want to be his rebound girl. Then why did it feel so good, so right when I’m with him, when I kissed him? He is the only one to see the real me, that should mean something, shouldn’t it?

I don’t know what to think anymore.

You do. Run as fast as you can. Bad boys aren’t your scene. That small voice says again and this time I don’t push it away. This time I actually listen.

But what if he isn’t that bad? What if he really likes me?

Don’t fool yourself, Carrie.

That Lost Feeling {OUAT fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now