Christmas 'Coming Out' Party

Start from the beginning

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We were on our way to the party. The air was cold but not as cold as it often was. The snow was melting and the roads were easier to drive on.

Laura places her hand on my knee. I place my right one over hers smiling as she locks her fingers with mine. The radio was on but we payed no mind to it.

"So. I haven't exactly mentioned.. this.." She gestures to our hands, "to my dad yet." She laughs a little awkwardly.

I squeeze her hand letting her know it was okay.
"You sure he hasn't exactly figured it out on his own?" I turn my attention to her then the road.

She shrugs. "Whatever the case, allow me to talk to him before we.. you know-"

"Look affectionate towards each other? I got it Laura, you can relax," I pull her hand up to mine and kiss the back of it. Her shoulders relax instantly and she smiles looking back at the road. Once we reached her father's house the place is decorated for Christmas. Lights were hung from his roof and around his front yard trees. A blown up Santa was out front with a waving snow man and a sign that said "reindeer landing zone".

"Well he sure is.. festive." I say turning the car off. Laura playfully punches my shoulder making me laugh.

"Try to be in the spirit? Don't you have like a 'Christmas Carmilla mode' or something?" She laughs playing with my hand from across the passengers seat.

"Christmas Carmilla mode? Might have lost that one a few years back" I say sarcastically. "But, I'll try." This was enough to make Laura lean over and press her lips against mine in a soft and loving kiss. We both smile into it.

"Alright let's go." She says smiling and pulling back.

"If we must." I get out of the car and open her door for her, walking beside her to the house door. Before she could knock her father opens it.

"Laura!" Mark says excitedly pulling her into a hug.

"Dad" she laughs pulling out of the hug, "Still haven't learned your strength yet have you?" I say rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm sorry honey, sometimes I forget," he rubs the back of his neck with an apologetic face.

"You remember Carmilla?" She says stepping forward so he can see me. He smiles brightly and puts his hand out for me to shake so I do.

"Of course, nice to see you again Carmilla."

"As well as you Mark," I smile and our hands let go.

"Well come in you two, I've got eggnog, wine, Laf and their wife Perry are already inside watching Christmas movies by the fire and their kids are.. well, running around somewhere. Can you believe those two are 8 and 10 years old already?!" He asks Laura in disbelief. "Anyways, just make yourselves at home." He says allowing us in and closing the door behind us.
"Laura dear could you help me in the kitchen?"

"Of course dad," she says agreeing. She looks at me to make sure I'll be okay and I nod walking towards the living room where Laf was.

So much for being early.

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Laura's POV:
I help my dad prepare dinner in the kitchen. He kept tradition and made turkey and ham with the works for everyone. I stirred the stuffing and prepared myself to talk to him.

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