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A/N: I made a playlist for this story that can be found on my Spotify account
@ AddlctWlthAPen, I'll place the link in a comment if it helps!

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Laura's POV:
The snow began to fall on the ground before me. It was always freezing here. You could practically smell the air, cold and bitter. As if the blizzard two days ago was going to stop me from coming to my favorite book store. The snow could fall all it wanted. I was warm and content beside my book and coffee at a near by park bench considered to be part of the coffee shop. My eyes never really left my book when I was out in the open, and though I was here just about everday, many paid no mind to me. It was nice. Peaceful, dare I say.

I didn't mind the isolation. I knew what was best for me, and for others. I waited here till my appointment with Dr. Lafontaine, or Dr. Laf, and somehow always ended up right at this bench everyday after. I spent most of my time here and the world didn't mind one bit. That's how I liked it. It's better it be this way. The world should continue to turn regardless of my presence on this bench. The mailman should pass, as he did everyday, around 1 P.M., the local dog lady, aka Dr. Laf's wife, should continue to walk by with 3 or 4 dogs on a leash around 1:30, and a women with very permed hair should continue to come for her daily run around 1:45 and again later at 8:15. Nothing should change if I were to leave this bench and nothing would.

I look at my watch. 2:15. Better get going. I put my book inside my brown satchel and place a tip for the girl who worked the coffee shop today then began walking towards the hospital.

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Today's session was absolutely terrible. I just felt like laying down but I decided to go to my bench.

My bench. I laugh at the thought.

I've got no possession over this bench or anything in this world. I wouldn't allow myself to. I just couldn't resist this spot for some reason. I sigh as I take a seat and lay my head back. I didn't even realize, I was beginning to fall asleep.

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Carmilla's POV:

"Come on Mircalla, you know you'd like to go! Poetry is your thing!" My close friend Mattie says nudging my shoulder.

"Stages and lights aren't my style. Hello? Evil daughter of darkness mean anything to you?" I say rolling my eyes at her attempt to get me out more.

"Whatever you say." She says in an annoyed tone. "I'm still signing you up."

"Mattie no. I'd rather sit through twilight then humiliate myself in front of useless humans. Besides, they don't deserve to see inside my mind."

"Tisk tisk. Must you be so deep minded." She rolls her eyes and walks in front of me.

"Hey, more than 300 years of history and books in my mind remember. Let's not forget I majored in psychology more times than I can count."

She laughs and stops in her tracks causing me to bump into her. She's staring forward.

"What's gotten into you?" I say confused trying to see what she's staring at.

"It's a snack!" She smiles at me as her fangs slowly start to dart out.

"Where? I don't smell anything?"

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