Shades took a whip and licked it before it thrashed against the cold flooring with an echoing sound in the dungeon. If I wasn't shaking with fear then what would I be doing?

The whip was spun around before it hit my skin. I hissed in pain as I cursed them. After that, I can't remember everything as all that stayed on my mind was... Pain...

My body ached, my skin burned, my soul tortured. Tears had no time to dry on my cheeks as new ones wet them.

Was I going to die like this in this dirty cell?

The animal or should I say beast crawled over and started licking the puddle of blood.

Where was Damien and Satan?

Another hit was felt on my blemished skin and I couldn't even scream. Just a grunt left me. My throat was too dry for me to even talk.

Were those two handsome guys looking for me?
Were they worried?
I want to see them one last time.

I could feel my life essence leave me. Like this, maybe I'll go to hell. Haha, it not gonna happen. I'm just gonna disappear.

Some people must be wondering how can a demon die but lemme tell ya that even though I won't age, I'm not immortal because I was born and everything that takes birth is mortal.

Shades smiled at me and said in the creepiest voice ever, man, even Satan has a goddamn sexy voice, "You're even more beautiful in red. "

Even I don't know from where the energy came from, maybe the adrenaline rush but I was able to do a bit of sarcasm. Hey, I'm the sarcasm king.
"You fucking sadist! "

My hairs were fished and yanked harshly.

"I think this isn't enough. A quick recap on your life would be good. "

He cut his finger and was about to make me drink it when suddenly, a tremor was felt which caused all of us to shake a bit.

A pleasant scent filled my nose but too late, the taste of  blood on my tongue shook my senses and my vision worsened. I could see my two flaming lovers nearing me but I was thrown into an abyss of darkness.

One day the demon king was walking in a beautiful rose garden with his brother like friend when a young man bumped into their hard chest. That young man had come here with his father for a meeting. All three felt their skin burn and when that young man bored his attractive hazel eyes into theirs, the two dominant demons felt their inner self growl with possessiveness. They did all they had to seduce that young man who wasn't easy, oh yeah, he was a feisty one yet he was kind, compassionate and rivalled God's angels in beauty. He took care of  the broken Raphael and looked after him like a mother and listened to his sadness like a friend. The young man was the most precious possession of the two demons and they did impossible things for him. The two strongest beings in hell loved that delicate young man and protected him. They indulged in him day and night. That young man was named Alexander.

It was a full moon as I walked stealthily from my garden to the gates and off into the forest. I walked a couple of minutes before I was pulled into four warm and cozy arms. They squeezed me and I was rained with tender kisses.

"Well, you're more beautiful than this pretty moonlight tonight, darling."

"You've said my line Lucy, you're as stunning as ever princess. "

"He he, you people getting well as always ."

This was how those three met every night and left every dawn after a passionate time together.

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