chapter 11

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Dedicated to all my followers  and people who read this book and:AndreaNicoleBonilla,MickaylaWeaver,MissFujoshiSama,ejh1212,-suBLime-,FandomsPerson,YaoiQueen_4Evs,DontPauseLostPause,@mention a user

I'm suggesting a great book for people who wanna check it out, it is called : cry me river

Pic of viktor from Yuri on ice!

Tyler's pov

My body tossed around in my sleep. I was having a terrible nightmare, why terrible, because it seemed too real.

I could see Luc, Damien, Raphael ,Adam and his mate, sitting happily in that beautiful garden. I could see it raining and clouds of sadness washing over my beloved ones as I lay lifeless...

What traumatized me more was that I was being held captive even in my dreams and dark figures touched my unwilling body and wounded it in many different ways. My chest hurt as I saw the face of Damien and Luc. They looked so pale as they touched my immobile body with so much tenderness. Tears were dripping down Ralph 's eyes as he clung to Damien who, let alone console someone else, couldn't console himself.

I could swear my body would be covered in sweat when I would wake up.

"–yler! Tyler! "

"A-Adam? "

"Man, you scared the shit out of me. You were screaming and crying in your sleep. "

"I'm sorry I was-- "

Adam pulled me in a warm hug as he tried to soothe me, but somewhere, I could feel his need for his own mate.

Sometime I think in the morning
I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by an intense amount of light. I was in a garden and was sitting next to Shades. I quickly shifted away and gave a death glare at the black creature next to me. He smiled wickedly. How can the only thing visible about is his white teeth?

He broke the awkward silence, "Good morning, sweetheart... "
"Call me that once again and I swear that you'll beg for Satan to take you to hell. "
"You're still as feisty as ever Alex. "
"Who the heck is Alex? "

"It's you sweetheart."He hummed as he scooter closer to me and grabbed my face. There we go again, my body, I couldn't budge it. I understand how a child feels when his parents go bad mouthing him and he really wants to punch them but he just sits there.

"What do you mean by that? My name's Tyler."
"No, it's Alex, dear, those brutes made you forget it but I'm going to make you remember it. Only I can be worth of your beauty, only I can praise this eternal beauty and only I have the right over it. Now, how about I give you a small reminder of your past? This body of yours, "he trailed his fingers down my neck, "it remembers the pain, doesn't it? "

Suddenly, I was in the same dungeon as the one I had dreamt of. Chains quickly wrapped themselves around my frozen body. All the temperature left my body and I could feel myself break out in a cold sweat. My breaths became heavier and more suffocating.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw the dark shadow walking with the clicking of its boots matching my thundering heartbeats. On its heels, an ugly looking animal covered in blood. The animal and it's master approached me . Isn't this suppose to be the moment where a hero jumps in a saves me?

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