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Gaga sighed deeply, -'So what did you do to cope', -'Huh?', -'What did you do to cope with depression, Mark', the man thoughts for a sec, -'I got into drugs, and alcohol. Which wasnt the best way of coping I suppose. I think all the alcohol messed up my speech', Gaga chuckled, -'Yeah yeah blame alcohol for that accent', Mark smiled and sighed, -'I know you got some drugs too Stef. Years ago? I could tell you were doing at least coke', Gaga looked down at her lap, -'Yeah I guess youre right. I was kind of doing coke as well. I needed uppers!', -'I understand that. But you dont need that now do you?', -'No! Of course not, I'm just...like trying to stop a moving train with my bare hands. I know I'm gonna get PPD sooner or later, and i wanna get help before I become-', -'Helpless? Yes. Youre very aware of your emotions its insane', Gaga nodded and sighed deeply, delatching Joanne from her breast and patting her back gently, -'I just don't wanna fail my family. And I dont wanna fail Bradley', -'That man adores you by the way. It's insane how much he loves you', Gaga smiled wide and nodded, -'He loves all three of us. I know you and him rubbed elbows in tje past but, I'm glad y'all got through it, he really loves Gianluca', Mark nodded, -'Yeah, he's a good man'.

-'Now I need to get up' she moaned, -'Can you help me up?', -'Uhmm...what do you want me to do?', -'Just hold my waist, I need to go downstairs', -'Oh God what for', -'I'm gonna make something to eat', -'You must be joking', -'I'm not! Come on, help me!', -'How much do you weigh right now', -'...Like 130?' she whispered, -'Good enough' Mark said before lifting her up over his shoulder, -'MARK STOP!' She laughed, -'Light enough for me!', -'If you fall down these stairs I'll kick you in the face', Mark laughed and brought her downstairs, he sat her on the kitchen counter carefully, -'Are you dizzy?', Gaga shook her head and smiled. Seeing HIM smile was something else. He never really smiled wide but when he did, it was extra cute. Reminded her of years before.
-'What?' He chuckled, -'Your smile is still extra cute' she giggled, -'Oh shut up' he grinned, looking out into the living room, -'Ah, I can see your Oscar from here', Gaga laughed, -'That's what you wanted to see!', -'I wanna hold it. Is it heavy?', -'A little. But it's not made of gold like people think', she smiled, -'When I saw you win I shot off my sofa and cheered...like I had won', -'Awww you did?! That's sweet!', -'Yeah! I knrw you wouldnt be able to say a single word you were crying so hard', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'Where's Ashley and Natali?', -'They went shopping and left my fatass in here' she grunted, looking at the fridge, -'Can you pls open the fridge'.

After a while of thinking what to do, Gaga got annoyed and decided to just not cook and go upstairs to her daughter.
Mark carried her back up and laid on the bed with her, -'She likes sleeping ON me' Gaga giggled, the little girl fell asleep almost immediately on top of her mom, -'Thats cute...Isabel doesnt want me around like ever' Mark chuckled, -'You have to cuddle her more! Thats all! They sense love you know? Besides, isnt she like one year old already?!'.

Mark getting too close did not bothered Gaga at all, they were close friends and they have had a thing in the past so there was nothing out of place.
-'How do you feel?', he asked her, -'I'm feeling better by the second...I have a doctor's appointment next week so I'm hoping he says I'm better', -'You will be better, trust me'.
Gaga looked down at him and saw him blush, -'Are you blushing, Mark Ronson?', he chuckled and hid his face on a pillow, -'You have to stop looking at me like that', -'Mark, I have no make up on, my hair is up in a pony tail, I'm wearing a t shirt and pajama pantd and your ass is blushing?! Damn.', Mark sighed and hugged her by the waist, -'Is this too close?', -'No I think we're good. We've been closer before'.

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