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I groaned as I flipped over. I couldn't sleep. The calendar stared down at me, a small reminder of what the events of tomorrow would entail. My mind was racing as I flipped back and forth in my half empty bed, in my three quarters empty house. I couldn't keep my mind from racing. I could have sworn Chase remembered what tomorrow was. Maybe that's why he insisted that's the day we do all of this. That it was a perfect symbol of all that we've been through. I personally thought it was a worst idea in the entire world.

Seven years ago tomorrow. The one thought that seemed to be racing around my brain. I couldn't ever forget, and I knew for sure that Chase surely hasn't as well. Seven years since Douglas captured Mr. Davenport and left me in Arizona to find Chase. Again, having it tomorrow, would both be happy, and insanely tragic.

When Chase asked me to marry him eight months ago, I had no other answer but yes. I was personally surprised we hadn't eloped the second we moved in together, or even before. But somehow we dated for six years straight, only to be getting married tomorrow, on the anniversary of Davenport's capturing. This Friday would be seven years since my father and I killed our oh so loved family members. Marcus still haunted me in my nightmares.

I shook my head as I flipped over to glance at the clock. Midnight on the dot. It would be so much better if Chloe and Conner were here. I missed having the reassuring whispers of the two as Chase held me close. I needed them all here tonight. Chloe and Conner are the twins Chase and I adopted three years ago. They were twelve when we began to foster them, four years ago, but we adopted them a year later. Chase and I agreed we wouldn't even try to have our own kids, simply because we are technically brother and sister, but I loved the idea of adopting Chloe and Conner. Chase and I are twenty four and twenty five now, while the twins are sixteen.

I jumped at the sound of the front door to our apartment opening slowly. I hopped out of bed and ran over to the door of our bedroom to see someone walking calmly down the hallway towards me. I took a deep breath as I leaned back against the wall. Who in the world would sneak in here? I was bionic for gods sake! I rolled my eyes as the sound of the loud and obnoxious footsteps came closer. He wasn't supposed to be here.

"Bree?" Chase whispered as he walked inside. I had kept the door open a crack. A smile rested on my face as I watched him take a step back at the sight of me right behind the door.

"Chase." I whispered, mocking his earlier tone. He laughed quietly before walking over to me and bringing me into a hug. He was supposed to be at the hotel, not seeing me the night before tomorrow. Tasha had been extremely cautious about the superstitions, no matter how long Chase and I had been dating.

"I know I'm required to stay there, but I couldn't sleep. I needed to be with you." Chase whispered. I smiled happily as I buried my head into his chest. For some reason he had chosen to wear a leather jacket and black jeans. He must have thought he was robbing his own place.

"I couldn't sleep either." I whispered back as I held my arms tighter around his neck. He smiled as he pulled away, bringing me over to the bed.

"Chloe and Conner are over at Davenport's?" Chase asked, reassuring what he already knew to be true. I nodded as I played with our hands as we sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah. Tasha thought I would need some alone time before the wedding. I don't think she realizes how easy it is to take care of those two. They must be a burden when they're over at their house." I ranted with a smile at the thought of our kids torturing our parents. As far as they know, my parents died in a car accident, so they only have Chase's parents as grandparents. They haven't asked questions about it since.

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