When Destiny Joins

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Almost a month passed with my new odd life,
In the news there was attacks and ISIS, KKK, and Trump getting his team ready for his inauguration and hatred harassments amongs Muslims, and killing and protesting
Lot of things were happening in the news only to be views and be ready for the face off
Before A month passed, Uncle called me to the living room , where aunt was also present and informed me
They having financial difficulties and they can't afford to fill an extra stomach.
"I registered your name in the adoption list and there is a family who wants to take you in" Uncle cheered up as he spoke the words out like he just shaked off a heavy dust from his shoulder
I grinned at both of them and excepting everything, like it's totally alright.
I tried talking to Afrin at school, but she was just busy, with her new friends. Since I didn't want to become a burden to them, I gave up my friendship.
"What's wrong,"She added sitting beside me
"You know... My uncle , he told me he can't take care of me anymore, I'm getting adopted,,, how cool right" I grinned showing how happy I am to get adopted
She glance at me feeling miserable,
"You al--"
"What are you doing, let's go" Her new friends joined in and took her away
Afrin couldn't finish her sentences and left out joking along with her friends as she gives me a last glance
When I went home that day, Aunt and Uncle was so nice to me,
They even gave me a new dress, and took me out to eat, to meet my new family
I scout on the chair and waited for my new family to come
"They here" Aunt smiled at me and Back at their direction
There stood a tall handsome man and a pretty young women who's smile spark her dimples out like mine.
"Hi, I'm Taylor     " The handsome guy seats down and then lady
They asked me about myself and had a convenient conversation with Uncle and aunt until they finally recognized me and I finally recognized them
"Are you the girl in the mall when it was Black Friday who return my bracelet --- RUU-Ruma- something " The pretty lady asked curiously
I nodded force smiling "Rumana" --
The night turned out pretty decent but They said they live  far away ,so I have to leave my current school and if possible can I leave with them over the weekends
"Sure, it's Alright with us" Uncle concluded as we head off back home
Uncle just can't wait for me to leave, I'm pretty Sure I'm the heir of granny's property which uncle has it now maybe that's why he wants me to disappear,
I'm scare what changes might come by way, I don't want to change school and what if they asked me to stop wearing hijab anymore.
It was my last day at school, I tried telling everyone good bye, I got to everyone except and Tasmim and Afrin
As usual they were busy with their new friends so I left them a card which they will see on Monday If they open their locker
" To my two Besties, whom I love
I'm leaving, I got adopted by a foreign family, I became a financial difficulties for my uncle so I have to leave, but isn't it Great , the new family turned out to be Someone who I helped out in the mall when I went to Black Friday shopping with you all, my Besties thanks for all the good times and I'm sorry for been a burden to you both,
Have a good time with your new friends and by chance hope we can see each other in the future"

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