One Shot

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Yoo~! GotNutime4CHU aka your amazing Koca at your service. I'm gonna be backing up for this so stay tuned and have fun~!

》Suigetsu AU One Shot《

》True Love's Not Worth It《

F/N L/N. The Hidden Leaf Academy's most unknown person. Practically, if you met her, one minute she's there, the second she's gone. Actually, it was just her lack of presence that made her that way. Adding to it, she was quite silent.

Walking through the loud hallways like you usually do. People you knew chattered as you were left unseen by the human eye as you preceeded to go to the canteen for food.

As you sat down on the roof top, air blowing through your uniform in the peaceful place. Someone had decided to ruin it all for you.

"Heh, knew you'd be here."

You turn your back to a certain butt headed Uchiha. "Y/N. It's cold out. Eat like a normal person inside." You playfully punched the boy as he smiled at you with soft laughs.

"It's nice here. Besides, how'd you find the ghost of The Hidden Leaf?"

You sarcastically say to the boy as he just leaned on the railings like you have. "Had a hunch."


Sasuke Uchiha. Popular. Girls become moist just seeing him. And your best friend. Now you're probably wonder how someone this popular can be your best friend and then there's you, your not even part of existence in that Academy.

"Hey, did you hear about it?"

Sasuke finally asks you a question as wind blew through the both of you. "There's been rumours. About you and Suigetsu."

You sighed deeply on what he said to you. "Then you probably have." You nodded your head, but you were hesitant on that decision.

"Then you know what I'm going to say." Sasuke says, closing my eyes as you deeply enhaled again.

"Suigetsu will ask you out."

Closing your eyes. You weren't ready for this. You weren't up for this. You never wanted this. You cant take this.

Yes, someone as good as Suigetsu likes you, but Suigetsu's one of your bestfriend's friends. And in all honesty, you thought of this nothing but a bit weird.

"Sasuke... What do I do..?"

You question him, trying to keep the tears in from your eyes. All you wanted was a quiet life in the Academy. All you wanted was just a few friends thatll be loyal, not a love life.

You just wanted that normal life in not being even noticed.

"He's not going to stop, until you answer him, F/N."

"Love's not worth it, Sasuke. It never will be."


"F/N, can I talk to you?"

It was at then end of the day. You were even surprised the water bot could notice you despite your lack of presence. You were packing up your stuff as you swung your bag over your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a rush. Maybe next time Suigetsu."

"Nah, it's fine F/N!"



My name was called out in the halls as you was silently talking with Ino, Sakura and Hinata. "It's Suigetsu again." You sighed. "Guys, I'm sorry. Give me some time."

The three of them nodded at you. You whispered a low thank you as you started to run away. "F/N Matte!" Suigetsu yelled out, stopping in front of the trio.

"Do you know where F/N is heading?"

"Sorry Suigetsu, she's been really busy lately, and none of us really has the time to talk to her." Ino informed Suigetsu as the boy scratched the nape of his neck.

"Man, she's as slippery as an eel to get to."

"That's probably because we can barely see her most of the times. Because of her lack of presence." Hinata explains as Suigetsu continues to presume his emo corner.

"Suigetsu, just give up on F/N. You can tell she's already avoiding you."

Sasuke butted in. "Wow, someone's jealous." Suigetsu jokes around with the duck butt Uchiha as Sasuke sigh in defeat at the boy.

"Me being jealous is unheard of. Listen, F/N is like family to me. I have talked to her before any of this. Give it a rest."

"I'm not going to stop until I get her answer. I like F/N and I'm not letting her go."



Your name was screamed out in the hallways. Everyone running towards me. Even Karin had a worried expression on seeing me.

"F/N we need you desperately outside right now!" Karin said, as Tenten and Naruto grabbed my arms as you dropped my stuff but someone put it away.

They dragged me outside to see Suigetsu on the roof top. But he was standing on top of the railings. "What is he-"


Wow. He did this to make it as a public confession. He has guts you can say that. "F/N!! Answer him!" Tenten chirped in excitment.


"He is so annoying." You went and ran to the rooftop and faced him. He saw ylu, a smile popping on his face as he got down from the railings. You went and walked towards him.

"F/N, will you be mine?"

"Suigetsu. I need you to stop."

You said, almost hissing at him as your voice was ready to crack on your words.

"L-Listen. I like you too.. But I know you'll like someone else after. B-Because i-I'M not worth it got it Suigetsu?"

You hated yourself at that moment. Your voice was cracking on every word you said to him. Your tears wouldn't keep in, and waterfalls of tears were going down.

"S-Suigetsu... Love's not worth it... Even if this is true love... A-Any kind of love is hopeless..."

"Suigetsu... I love you but... Goodbye."

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