Character Interview

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Hey! Jumpinjack1 here! If you've noticed I also wrote the article for Advice Column, super unusual I know. Hopefully it'll only be a one time thing. Anyway, the guest I have here today is the great, handsome Garra of the Sand.

Garra: Uh, thanks. I'm glad to be here.

Let's jump right into it. In the series of Naruto we learn so much about you that its hard to ask some questions even though the answer is super obvious. So, I chose some more trivial questions.

Garra: Alright, ask away.

Me: How did it feel when you became Kazekage?

Garra: I never really thought about the feeling before...but I guess I sort of knew in the back of my head that it would be me. The last two had the power to control a type of sand, so I had a feeling I would have the chance to the next one.

Me: How would you describe the relationship between you and Naruto?

Garra: Its not very difficult to describe. We've been friends ever since our first fight. He's the crazy, hyperactive guy I always knew and things would be very different now without him. We understand each other and I see him as another brother.

Me: I never knew you had such a way with words Garra. Ever since I got into Naruto, I always liked your power and wanted to control sand. Is it as fun as it seems?

Garra: Well, this is maybe because I've always used sand, but its not really what its cracked up to be. However, if you never did it before it probably would be awesome to do. You can fly, well technically, and it feels like your conducting an orchestra. I think its just part of everyday life, so maybe I take it for granted.

Me:Coooollll. *stares at gourd on back*

Garra: Well, I can't really do anything now because you finally have that chakra blocker thing.

Me: Of course, when I want to see some awesome justu, I can't. Finally, what do you want people to remember you by when they hear your name?

Garra: Wow, tough question....Anything but the One-Tails Jinchuuriki. If I had the choice I wouldn't want that in my legacy. Everything that has to do with me and Shukaku is just a pool of bad memories.

Me: That's a bit harsh to Shukaku, don't you think?

Garra: Not letting me sleep was harsh...

Me: Oooohhh yea, you win. Well, thats all the questions I have for now. Thank you for being an awesome guest and continue being the best Kazekage.

Garra: Thanks, your a great host.

Me: Hey, no one likes kiss-ups.


Hope you guys enjoyed! Be sure to comment who I should interview next. Bye!

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