Chapter 3: Friends....??!

Start from the beginning

"Friends...and us? But you hate me!" I said, sitting back on the couch before I fainted.

"I didn't say that...I mean, I do have issues with you because you changed....Never mind! Can we just start over again, please." She said very calmly.

"Okayyyyyyy! As you say." I agreed with her. What made me agree with her, I didn't know or rather I didn't want to accept. It was better this way only.

Nandani's POV
"Where do we start from?" I asked being super nervous. Pretending while trying to keep things real is super hard!

"I don't tell. You suggested the idea so you must have something in your head." He said. It felt as if he didn't believe my words not even a bit. Neither did I, but how could I tell him that all this was Cabir speaking, not me.

"Hmm...tell me something about yourself." I said in my first attempt.

"What do you want to know about me?" He responded so causally but I was going crazy. Why was he making it so difficult for me.

"Anything...your favorite actress, movie, food...even though you eat absolutely everything..." I said but he interrupted me.

"Excuse me...I am a foodie, don't judge me like that." He said.

"Oh hello...foodie is someone who wants to try different different stuff. But you eat a this much." I said showing him with my hands.

"Yeah yeah....whatever!" He said and smiled to himself and I sat proudly after proving my point.

"Okay, so let's play 20 questions. I will ask one word questions and you answer them and ask a question to me. Understand." I asked and he nodded in response. "So let's start, Actor"

"Ranbir. Colour?" He asked.

"Black. Place?" I asked.

"Thailand....Food?" He asked.

"Thailand..!" I laughed at all the wrong reasons in my head. "Continental... Priorities?" I asked.

"Friends and family. Peace?" He asked.

"Music, hate?" I asked. This was getting fun.

"My anger. Passion?" He also seemed to like this.

".....Nothing." I said and he gave me those weird looks. "Life?" I asked changing the topic.

"Fucked up...I mean mixed up!" He seemed nervous. "Pain?"

"Memories." I was not liking where this was going. "Beautiful?"

"You...Your earings." He said while I rolled my eyes. "Hope?"

"Happiness." I need to control myself. "Hobby?" I asked keeping my feelings aside.

"Mus....Cricket." He stammered, loop hole detected. "Friend?"

" you, I guess." I don't like this game anymore. "Music?"

"....time pass...." Why was he stammering on 'Music' related questions? "College?"

"Past...!" I am getting furious. Can he just stop reminding me about my past. "Girlfriends?"


"None." Stop.It. Why is he giving me that look. "Lie?"

"My feelings....!" What did he mean? "Love?"

"I think we should stop!" I just said it out loud. I couldn't answer anything anymore.

"Do you mind if I ask a question?" He asked nicely.

"It's okay, ask." I said.

"You said you didn't have a boyfriend....but then you loved" He asked being confused. But how could I answer him. How could I possibly open my past in front of him. Why is he even asking after all these months being together?

"I don't think I can answer any of your questions." I said and stood up to walk away. I really needed to be alone.

"Wait..! You said you hurt your foot." He said and I stopped on the spot. Shit, I was busted. Think Nandani, think!

"OH MY GOD..! It's fine now, I can't believe this." I said it out loud. It was clearly written on his face that he did not buy it but I just continued. I need to distract him. "Well you hungry? I can make something. You like bhindi and dal chaval right!" I said. What better then food can distract him.

"How do you know I like it?" He asked.

"Well I did spend the whole day at your house for the past two months. This was the least I could have noticed." I said and went to the kitchen. "Manik, do call your mom and dad. They must be waiting for your call." I shouted from the kitchen.

Manik's POV
"Yeah!" I shouted back. She cared for everyone, except me. But why did I feel there was a hope for our relationship suddenly? Not that I want it. Why did she fake her foot injury? Why suddenly she forwarded a hand for friendship? We have been together for so many days, then why today? She knows what I like too...No Manik, there is nothing like that. She must have just gotten tired of all the fighting like me, maybe that's why she thought of this. But it felt good to know the little she told me about herself. Her past, college, love seems to cause her pain. Maybe I could help her heal but only if she opens up to me.

"Manik come, have food!" She called out. Just then I realised how long I had been thinking about us...I mean Nandani and me!

"It's already five, we didn't even realise where the time flew in all the talking. The others will be coming soon I guess." She said while serving me.

"Yeah...I didn't realise how time flew with you." I said admiring her but only if she noticed!

What is Nandani's past? Why is Manik hesitating to answer questions related to music? Has Manik started to hope again for their relationship or is it all fake? Why does Manik want to heal Nandani? And will Nandani ever open up to him? Do answer these questions and comment about how the update was.

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