StudANT Council

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A/N okay guys I know I haven't updated but I have a lot of other books I had to write.And the sneak peek for informANT was actually supposed to be for this chapter.

Annie's pov
Me and Chiyna were standing in line to go into the school dance."Annie what dance should I dance,For the first dance at my first High School dance?"she asked me obviously excited.The Dougie? The robot? Dougie the robot? "You just took two of my favorite things and made them horrible"Cameron said behind her.I gave Cameron a high five.We have fun here.When me and Chiyna got up to the front of the line Lexi stopped us."what now Lexi your ego takes up the whole door"I asked.
"Sorry, no ants allowed"Lexi said happily.
"Says who?"my sister asked. "The student body president"Lexi answered.
"Well, I want to talk to him"China commanded.
"You are talking to him.
That's him!"paisley exclaimed while pointing to Lexi "Tough break, kid"Cameron repeated as he pushed past us.You heard him.
No ants allowed"paisley said.Me and Chiyna giggled at paisley confusion.
"I'm not an ant I'm a sophomore I've known you since kindergarten"Cameron informed the blonde.
"Oh, right! You were that really tall kid"paisley exclaimed.
"Yeah I peaked early"Cameron bragged."what happened"I muttered.
"Okay, I don't understand All my friends said that they were going to the dance tonight"Chiyna explained.
"They must mean the ant dance in the ant farm.
I'm sure you'll have a blast"Lexi exclaimed. Hmmm she seems happy that's unusual.Chiyna and I walked back to the front of the school to the Ant farm.There we saw all of our friends having a blast...while playing musical chairs.
"Come on, Chiyna We're playing musical chairs!"olive happily exclaimed."All right
I'll go find a chair at my house"Chiyna said as she turned to walk out the door.
"No, I don't think that's allowed, but let me check the rule book"olive said as she ran to Angus's desk to check a huge pink book.She didn't notice that the music stopped and everyone had a chair except her.
"Hey! No fair! I was checking the rule book!"olive complained.

Time Skip

It's been a while and now olive and some other kids are playing piñata "Olive"Chiyna said. But olive was focused on hitting that piñata,China called her a few more times .I grabbed the bat out of her hand. "Olive! This dance is pathetic"I said."Forget the unicorn,Hit me Put me out of my misery"chinya insisted."Come on were about to do the hokey pokey"Olive said.
"Oh, come on,Don't you want to put your left foot in? "Olive asked."No, I want to turn myself around"Chiyna said as she tried to exit the ant farm.
"Oh come chiyna this isn't that bad"I stated."Annie there are teething rings on the table"chiyna pointed to baby rings on the table."okay I'm with you that is sad"I exclaimed.olive continued to swing for the piñata,she accidentally hit angus in his back with the bat."You know I have expected candy to pour out of him"Chiyna said.


"Man, I really overdid it last night.
That party was crazy"olive said as we walked to the ANT farm."when we were playing Monopoly in think Benny cheated"I said.
"The whole thing is kind of hazy to me.
Was there a unicorn there?"he asked as we entered the ANT farm.I am never.
Eating another piece of candy again.angus and olive then spotted a misplaced table with candy on top of it.
"Ooh, jelly beans!"Angus said as he and olive ran to the table."hey guys that's-"I tried to warn them that they were going to get a special surprise but it was too late."Hey!"chiyna said as she popped up from the center of the table."Those are just for display"she informed.
"What are you doing?"olive asked."Since they won't let us into any school dances, I'm going to wear this to sneak into prom this spring".Chiyna stated.What do you think? "No offense, but it makes you look a little hippy"I said.
"Well, we have to do something"China said scooting closer towards us.
"We can't let the student council,
Keep us from going to school dances or pep rallies,What am I going to do with all this pep? I'm backed up with pep!"chiyna ranted."You know what you should do? There's an election coming up"olive said.
You should use your pep to run for ant representative on the student council.
"Really? You think I should?"chiyna Questioned. "Absolutely! I mean, you're smart, you're charming, you comfortably seat eight"olive said.
"You know what? I'll do it! I'll run for student council"chiyna declared.
"Great! Let's just get your name on the ballot"olive said.
All you have to do is just record and submit this nomination statement.olive held up her ANT Pad to chiynas mouth.
"I, chyna parks, nominate myself for student council"chiyna said.
History begins now!"olive said."Ooh, good slogan!"chiyna complimented."No, she means history begins right now,lets go!"I yelled as I ran out the door.

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