Year 1// Hogwarts

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Chapter song: Dear Future Husband - Meghan Trainor

The train soon came to a stop a while after you, Harry and Ron had gotten changed.

You came out of the train. It was dark and all you could see was a tall man holding a lantern.

"All righ' then! Firs' years this way please! Come on now, hurry up, don' be shy!" He shouted. Then he spotted Harry. "O hello Harry,"

"Hey Hagrid," Harry said.

"Whoa," Ron said as both of you gaped up at Hagrid.

"Righ' then; this way to the boats. Come on now, follow me." Hagrid said and all the first years followed him, sucking you into a sea of students.

"Harry! Ron!" you called out, but they were nowhere to be seen. Great going, (Y/n), you've lost your only friends.

You continued following Hagrid; it was a good thing that he was huge because otherwise you wouldn't be able to see him.

Everyone was getting into the boats to get to Hogwarts. You spotted Harry and Ron in a boat already with two other boys. Harry sent you an apologetic look as his boat went further into the lake.

As you were getting into a boat, someone jumped into your boat causing you to lose your balance and fall face flat into the boat.

You sat up angrily, and without looking at the person who did the deed, you just shouted at them. "Excuse me! Couldn't you be a little more careful?"

As you moved forward, you got a better view of the person as the moonlight lit up the boat. It was a boy: he had slicked back platinum blonde hair, pale skin and a smirk plastered on his face. You couldn't see his eyes since it was so dark.

"You could have just sat down quicker." the boy said. You glared at him as two other rather heavy looking boys sat down causing the boat to rock.

Ignoring that little fiasco, you turned your attention the looming castle. With all the candles and windows lit up, it looked like Christmas came early; it was beautiful.

Without realising, you let a breath out in amazement. "Whoa."

"I'm guessing you've never even seen Hogwarts, have you?" the boy commented from behind you.

"No," you said. "My parents are Muggles, so I've-"

The boy scoffed. "My father says that only pureblood wizards should be a part of the wizarding world, not Muggles like you."

You had no idea what 'pureblood' meant, or what he was on about, but you knew that interrupting someone when they're talking is incredibly rude.

You were frustrated now. "I'm not a Muggle, my parents are. I don't see how that makes me any less part of the wizarding world."

"You don't have any magical heritage, so you're not worthy of even being here. If I had a choice, all your lot wouldn't even be allowed at Hogwarts."

You had no response so you just turned around and let him have his little moment of victory. You would make it your goal to prove him wrong.

You got out of the boat and followed the other first years through the entrance of the school and up some staircases. You'd barely seen the inside of the school and you already loved how big and grand it was. You just hoped this wasn't a dream.

At the top of the staircase, a stern-looking woman stood tapping her fingers on the railing. You immediately recognised her as Minerva McGonagall, the lady who took you to Diagon Alley.

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