My Alpha.

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Oh yas. If you lot don't remember anything than pls switch back to my old imagines book and give the alpha series a re-read, this is essentially the next part 🐢💩

This gon' go 1-100 real quick be warned
(Currently listening to Louis on the radio fUCk mE uP)

I shuddered in pleasure as Harry slid inside me up to the hilt, a low growl leaving his lips as he nibbled my collarbone.

"O-oh." I whined squirming slightly in order to get Harry to begin moving, the pleasure was pulsing through my core along with my heartbeat and echoing through my entire body, our mating connection sizzling alive with us being connected in the most intimate way possible.

Rolling over onto his back, Harry positioned me on top of him and steadied me with his large hands splayed across my hips making me jump with slight panic as I felt Harry sink deeper into me than he had ever before. I grabbed his hands with wide eyes as he shushed me quietly.

"It's alright, baby, I've got you, you're fine." He cooed softly, his dominating alpha put on hold as we made love in our room together, the only time Harry would ever let himself be completely vulnerable.
He helped me to lift myself up slightly and drop back down onto him making me gasp in pleasure at the new angle, I moaned placing my hands onto his firm, lightly dusted with few hair, chest as I repeated my actions faster.


Letting out a exhausted moan I collapsed on top of Harry's firm chest, his member still buried deep inside me as my body reeled from the amazing experience that lovemaking with Harry gave-- it was something that I could never get used to and something that someone without a mate could never comprehend. It was excruciatingly pleasurable. My whole body was buzzing and every now and then would twitch as my breathing relaxed slowly.

"Fucking hell." Harry groaned low in his throat, the baritone sound rumbling through his chest as he ran his hand up and down my back before he gently urged me upwards so he could slip out, a low whimper escaping my mouth as my sore body was shifted.

"Shh, that's a good girl. Come here, baby." Harry murmured as he tucked me into his side, my hand resting on his chest as I drifted in and out of reality, my mind far away taking its time to come back down to earth.

He stroked my hair carefully, pressing a kiss to my forehead fondly.

"You're alright, yeah? I wasn't too rough was I?" Harry murmured with concern as he gently tipped my head up to face him, his green eyes swimming with worry and concern as he scanned me for any traces of discomfort or pain. I shook my head lazily peering at him through my lashes.

"Mm, no. M'okay." I breathed drowsily, swimming in the post-lovemaking bliss that was currently enveloping me whole. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck kissing it gently as I closed my eyes, my mind drifting away again.

"That's my girl."


Humming under my breath I continued to paw at the ground with slight boredom, my small paws hitting the grass and sending some flying into the air as I relaxed out in the garden with not much to do. Harry was out, he was at some meeting with a neighbouring pack and I had decided to come outside and to have a stretch in my wolf form, however I was disrupted by none other than Perrie.

Of course.

She towered over me in her human form, her glare filled with hatred which was something I had never understood, she had just seemed to hate me ever since we met and it had lasted the entire time. I had no idea why since I had never done anything to her.

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