"Yea," I say, looking over her outfit and her newly done hair. 

"You like?" Zen asks, running her fingers through her braids,"Onika did it."

I target my eyes on Onika, questionably, causing her to look away.

"Nicl!" A voice yells from the front of the house,"I'm out!"

We all look up and I see an exact duplicate of Onika walking down the path to the driveway. 

Wait a minute. Two Onika's?

"Ok, Roman," Onika says.

Roman... I think as I watch her walk to her black Mustang. She's actually kinda-

Zen nudges me a little too hard in my ribs, causing me to groan. 

"Ok, Nika. We about to go. We'll see you in a few hours," Zen rushes out, quickly pulling me away.

As soon as we're out of earshot, Zen smacks me at the back of my head. 

"Ow! Wha' ya hittin; meh fa?!" I exclaim, fixing my hat that she damn near knocked off.

"Don't even look at Roman like that again," She mutters.

"Wh-why nah?" I ask, confused.

"Because..." she drifts off. 

"Becah-" I stop, realizing why," ohh! Ya like ha!"

A look of pure surprise crosses her face,"w-what? I-I do not!"

"Yes, ya do!" I tease dancing around her.

"Stop!" Zen yells, her face turning red. I stop mid-skip and look at her face.

"Wha's wrong?" I ask, concerned as to why she looked mad.

"Nothin'" Zen says, walking to her white Altima,"you ridin' with me?"

"Yea," I say, following her. 

  § § 

"Ah ya almost done?" I ask, carrying my two bags and two of hers.

"Almost. I just gotta get a new skateboard," Zen says, biting into a pretzel she just bought.

I glance at her and roll my eyes.

"What's your problem, girl? You hungry or somethin'?" Zen asks.

"No, I'm tired. We been walkin' round fa - is t'at ah candeh store?!" I ask, a colorful store coming into view.

Zen laughs,"yea, you wanna go in?"

"Yessss," I groan, speedwalking to the store. 

As I come inside the store, I look around in awe. 

"Why you so excited? Haven't you been in a candy store?" Zen asks, standing beside me

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"Why you so excited? Haven't you been in a candy store?" Zen asks, standing beside me.

"No." I admit. I really haven't. A huge part of my childhood went missing while I was living in the islands and this was apart of it. 

"Hmm..." Zen ponders, taking me by my arm,"then try this."

She pulls me to a basket that has little orange-foiled balls in it. She takes one out and hands it to me.

I eye it, suspiciously,"wha's in it?"

"Just try it. It won't kill you," Zen says, a smile across her face.

I take the wrapper off, exposing a ball of chocolate. I take a small bite of it and chew, a smile coming across my face as the flavors burst in my mouth. 

"Wha's in it?" I ask, popping the rest of the ball into my mouth.

"Ecuadorean dark chocolate with peanut butter," she says, taking one and unwrapping it,"I ate these a lot when I was little."

"We 'lowed tah eat t'is?" I ask, taking another one.

"Nah. But choose some candy and I'll buy it for you," Zen says, eating the chocolate ball. 

"Yea?" I ask, smiling.

"Yea, hurry up, We have to catch a movie before we go."

Less than five minutes later, I walk out of the store, as satisfied as can be. In my bag I have a huge gummy bear, a pack of those little chocolate balls, a bag of peanut butter balls, some gummy worms, a huge pack of Skittles, and a gigantic bag of Reese's Pieces.

As we approach the movie theater, I can see Onika walking towards us, bags in her hand too.

I choke on air,"w-why she's comin'?" 

"Because, I invited her," Zen says, just as she comes into earshot.

"Hey guys," Onika says, blushing hard.

"Wassup, mama?" I ask, smiling. Knowing that I had an effect on her was amusing to me.

"What movie we watching?" Zen asks, walking to the ticket booth. 

"Let's watch Don't Breathe." Onika pipes in.

"Don-" I start, but am interrupted by Zen.

"Yes! But isn't that a scary movie?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yea. But I got ya'll if I get scared," she says. 

I raise an eyebrow, a chuckle escaping my mouth. I see what she's doing...

"Hmm? Ok..." Zen says, purchasing the tickets.


Just a boring chapter. 

I appreciate all the love on my book. 

According to a lot of people it's "lit" 😂😂😂

Thank you -bows- 😎😇

Vote. Comment.

~Trina J

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