Chapter 1

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Harley Slaygle

Age: 18
Eyes: Sapphire blue
Hair: short, choppy, dark red
Height: 5'4
Likes: Music, beer, horror movies, video games
Dislikes: her father, the police, her older sister
Picture above is what Harley looks like, minus the piercing!!!

Harley's POV

I looked around at all the walls of my small little apartment one last time. I was moving today. It was a really huge step for us.

We weren't just moving to the next city over... We are moving all the way to New Jersey. As if downtown Detroit wasn't a dangerous enough place to grow up in.

My dad got offered a job at some record company. I think it's called eyeballs. But yeah. That's the gist of it. "Finally! We're moving into an actual house!

And the best part is that I don't ever have to share a room with the likes of you!" My older sister bitched. Her and I have always shared a room for a long as I can remember, and let me tell you, it has been hell!

"Praise Jesus I don't have to hear you yapping like a fucking chihuahua!" I sneered. "What was that, bitch?!!" Heather shouted.

"You heard me you curly queued cunt!" I spat! I shoved her out of my way and ran towards the car. I smirked to myself and mentally patted myself on the back for passing off my sister.

She is such a pretentious little fuck girl! I got in the back seat of my aunt's mini van. I had already had all my things packed up and in her van.

"Are you excited, darling?" My aunt Grace asked, smiling at me from the drivers seat. "Thrilled." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

She gave me a sad smile. My dad only gave me a dirty look from the mirror. "I'm gonna be making us some good money, so the least you can do is pretend to be grateful!"

He sneered. I rolled my eyes and put in my ear buds and opened up five nights at Freddy's. Heather hopped in the car and my aunt drove us to the air port.

Time skip to after the flight

The plain ride was extremely long and boring. I just listened to My Chemical Romance the entire time. An old bad from the early 2000's.

They sadly died in a horrible accident about ten years ago right after they released The Black Parade/Living With Ghosts.

A lot of fans were heart broken. I was only eight when it happened. I was dragged from my thoughts when Heather slapped my arm.

I rolled my eyes and paused my music. "The fuck you want now?" I asked. "I said, I still can't believe that your emo ass is still crying over those my chemical fuck boys!"

She spat. I balled my fists up and clenched my teeth. "At least I don't cut for Bieber!!!" I shouted, tears forming in my eyes.

"THAT WAS A LONG TIME AGO YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE!!!!" Heather screamed as tears flowed down her face.

Ok, I know I shouldn't be calling her out for self harm, but cutting yourself just because Justin Bieber smoked pot isn't that good a reason to cut yourself.

The only reason I cut is because I have a shitty life. I live with an emotionally abusive father, my mother abandoned me, my sister blames the divorce on me, every relationship I've ever had always ended in me nearly getting beaten to death.

I know it's not a good coping skill, but I'd much rather do that than go to therapy and tell some stranger about my problems.

I decided to just ignore Heather for now. We pulled up to our new house and almost immediately Heather grabbed her things and darted inside yelling "I call the biggest bedroom!"

God I swear, she is such a brat! Normally the parent always gets the biggest room in the house, but our dad just lets her have whatever she fucking wants!

I grabbed my things and walked inside. It wasn't anything real big, but a decent sized house. I saw there was a basement and smiled.

I walked downstairs and was surprised to see there was already a bed here. It was covered in plastic wrapping.

I set my suitcases down and removed all the plastic wrapping. I sat down on the bed and laid down with my legs dangling off.

I see a figure rushing past the doorway. I quickly sat back up. "Dad? Was that you?" I asked. No answer, not that I was expecting him to answer me.

Though, I didn't hear any movement. I rolled my eyes and laid back down. "Whatever." I muttered. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

After about 15 minutes, I began to finally drift off. But I was brought out of it when I heard movement coming from inside my room.

I growled and rolled over. It was more than likely my stupid sister coming down here to bitch at me. "Go away, Heather. I don't have time for your bullshit right now!"

I sneered. The movement stopped for a moment but then continued again. I sighed and sat up. "Damn it, Heather, I said I don't-"

I stopped mid sentence when I saw who was in my room. Is wasn't Heather. It wasn't my dad. It was some white haired dude wearing a black marching band uniform!

He was standing really close to me with this intense look on his face and had his hand extended, like he was going to touch me or something!!!

"Uh..." He muttered. My dark blue eyes locked with his hazel one's. They were so beautiful. He looked so familiar too!

I snapped back into reality and did what anyone would do when they see an unknown stranger in their house. I screamed and ran upstairs.

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