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The rusty iron gate creaked eerily as the two girls tentatively stepped through. Both with long black hair, their faces dotted by the occasional freckle, they slowly made their way up the gravel path.

"I'm scared, Misao," the younger one whimpered, grasping her sister's hand harder as the pair passed a clump of thorny blackberry bushes, wild and untamed.

"I know, Miko. I am too," Misao replied, returning the squeeze. "But we have to face the fact that Mummy and Daddy are gone."

Continuing up the path, stones crunching underfoot, Miko let out a small sob as a sinister-looking sign came into view.

"Why are we here... Misao, why are we here?" Miko choked out, reading the words Mental Asylum clearly printed on the plaque fastened above the threshold of the complex in front of them

When her sister didn't answer, Miko turned to look at her. Staring straight ahead with a strange look in her eyes, Misao was deathly silent.

Suddenly Miko threw her arms around her motionless sister, closing her eyes and burying her face in her chest. After a few seconds, she began to cry, muffled sobs the only sound audible in the desolate place.

"Why did... they have to... go? WHY?" Miko cried, as her sister finally looked down at the young girl clutched to her waist.

Gently putting her arms around her sister, Misao replied, "They just did, Miko. The had to go... and we can't do anything but live on..."

Miko felt her sister move, and reach down to get something. Ignoring it, she shut her eyes tightly and clung to her sister, until she heard Misao cough softly.

Looking up at her towering sister, Miko noticed a little smile plastered across the taller girl's face, as well as the fact that she was staring aimlessly into the distance.

"Um, Misao? Why are you... smiling?" Miko asked, concerned, as she felt a sharp object trace across her back as Misao moved her arms. "You really need to cut your nails, Misao..."

"Yes Miko, before I accidentally hurt someone..." Misao grinned evilly, at her sister, before inhaling sharply and plunging the concealed knife into her back.

Miko let out a soft gasp as the object sunk into her, before falling to her knees as the red hot pain coursed through her body. The knife had pierced through her shirt and into skin while letting out a small spray that had coated Misao's hand with blood.

Miko then felt another wave of blackness roll over her as her sister removed the knife, her vision flickering as her heart began to give up.

"Wh...y...Mi... MISAO!!" Miko cried as her sister drove it in again, and again, and again, grinning the whole time, head tilted slightly to the left.

When the back of Miko's body had been mangled beyond recognition, Misao finally wiped the dagger on her shirt to remove the blood, before calmly putting it back in her pocket.

Taking one last look at her sister's disfigured body, Misao casually turned and skipped away daintily, towards the gate.

"It's because of this, Miko. We were here because of a few problems... Have fun in dreamland!" Misao sang crazily, giggling at the thought of her dead sister.

Once at the gate, she turned back one last time, and spotted her sister's figure in the distance. Giggling again as she waved a bloodied hand at her, she finally disappeared through the gateway in front of her.

"Truly mental... " Misao muttered to herself as she walked.


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