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Dark's Pov:

I was sitting alone in my dark apartment when I heard loud banging at my door.

"What?" I asked as I swung the door open. I was suprised to see the newbie who just got out of training. I believe his name is Felix.

"Let me in and close the door. I don't think that you want anyone else to hear what I have to say," Felix franticly said. I eyed him skepticly and slowly closed the door.

"Alright, what do you have to say to me?" I said, folding my arms and locked gazes.

"The guy your after right now, Anti-septiceye, I met him on the streets today," he paused and my eyes widened in shock, "and I was trying to do your job for you and failed." He looked down in shame. I glared at him in anger. Not for anger, but for him attempting to do my job.

"But as I was fighting him your gun fell out of his pocket, leading me to believe that you've met him before, haven't you Dark?" He asked raising his eyebrow. I said nothing, I couldn't. I was choked up which was very abnormal for me.

"You're silence says it all," Felix said shaking his head at me, "you lied to our boss about not finding him. I have a suspision that there is something going on between you two." He narrowed his eyes at me. I started to sweat. What was wrong with me?

"There is nothing going on between us," I say in a loud deep voice, hoping that I could use intimidation to scare him off.

"You aren't scaring me, Dark. I may be the new guy but your tactics won't work on me. I just want to know what your hiding." I grumbled a bit before I spilled a bit of what happened that night to this scrawny mother fucker.

"Nothing happened that was any of your business." I couldn't tell him, who do you think I am? A fool?

"Alright then, I'm going to have to do this the hard way," Felix grumbled at me, "I will tell the boss that you have been lying to him this whole time."

"What makes you think that he'll believe you?" I growled with a smirk on my face.

"Everyone who has been in the office today knows that he is suspicious of you. He's eyeing your every move and me giving him any more reason that your guilty would just make his day, and yours, the worst day possible. He would fire you and you could tried for treason against the company. Helping out our enemies. And that means he is going to lose money."

"Stop the explanations, I understand the reason for your blackmail. I'll tell you what happened that night," I sighed as I continued on with my story.

"I was tracking him from the rooftops, when I spotted a figure running through the shadows that seemed like the one I wanted. I shot at him from up on the rooftops but somehow he caught the bullet. I jumped down to fight him. He put up a good fight. I had him in my grip as I pulled out my gun. He jabbed me in the stomach and escaped from my grip. He then kicked my gun out of my hands. We stood there for awhile and I couldn't bring myself to kill him. There was something special about him so I erased his mind and escaped. Then I lied to the boss and now look at the predicament I am in."

Felix looked as if he was in thought once I had focused my attention back on him. We stood there silently for a long time. I stared at him wondering what he was thinking.

"I don't understand," he mumbled to himself.

"What do you not understand?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at his strange murmurs.

"I can't tell you until I confirm it. Dark," Felix said looking straight into my eyes, "I need to watch some of your missions." I looked at him with confusion set deeply into my expression.

"Alright," I said skeptically.


We started to walk to the mission board in the office, where the many faces of people who needed to be assassinated were hung. As I approached, people started to back away. I grabbed a random flier off of the board and made my way out the door. Felix followed closely behind.

The flier was for a man, a ruthless killer. His motive was that he wanted to get rid of the impure off of this planet and he started in California of all places. Wonderful! No traveling for me. Lets get this over with.

I silently slipped through the shadows, Felix however walked out in plain sight, for less than an hour before I found our guy.

I sighed and Felix turned towards me. He saw the guy and I spent no time in killing this fool. I swiftly took out my knife and thrust my knife into his back. I made sure to line it up with the heart so that there would be no chance at all of him living.

I took my knife out if him and put it back in it's sheath. I wiped off my hands on my clothes and said,

"What a joke." Felix looked at me with a strange look. I ignored it and started to walk back to my apartment.


I walked into my apartment and headed towards the sink to wash the blood off the knife. I heard Felix walk in before I turned the water on. I stuck the blade under the water and red swirled down the drain.

After I was done cleaning it, I turned around to see Felix standing there.

"Dark, I think your in love with Anti-Septiceye."

In the Dark(Darkiplier x Anti-septiceye)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora