Group chat

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Mr. Shuester : happy thanksgiving! I want everyone to say 3 things they're thankful for. 🦃

Rachel: glee club, Finn, Barbra Streisand

Mike: dancing, chairs, and egg rolls.

Sam: ^omg😂😂

Brittany: unicorns, Santana, lord tubbington.

Santana: 💞 Brittany💞, Lima heights and glee club

Sam: Chapstick, a home, and life. 

Quinn: Beth, puck, and family

Finn: my father, Kurt, football

Blaine: bow ties, rain and Kurt

Kurt: scarves, Blaine and musicals

Mercedes: Sam, tots, and glee

Puck: Beth, Jews, and football

Tina: Mike, glee, and dim som with mikes mom
(A/N: true gleeks will know where that came from.😂)

Sugar: me, me, and me!

Rory: family, clovers, glee

Artie: Wheels, ramps, and people
Happy (late) Thanksgiving!
Tell me if I should add somebody into this conversation. I feel like I've forgot someone.

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