Invitation To The Feast

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In towns that still keep their history and heritage, elders and enlightened youth will gather around the fire to spread tales and stories of their mighty gods, and one legend has it, once every hundred years, the great gods recieve an invitation to the most rowdy, exciting and only get together known in existence ever..

It was called the feast of the hunt, hosted by none other than the god of the hunt himself, Monkey D. Luffy.

He will always send one of his trusted hounds to travel to their target and give them the golden envelope with a red stamp seal, containing their welcome card and information of what to expect.

Curious rumors and excited mummers invade the world as mortals all over the globe chatter at the possibility of seeing a god, now, it is finally the destined year for this exciting event! Let's see who's invited this time...


Somewhere in Hawaii...

Urouge, the god of merriment and power was enjoying a relaxing sunbath in the white hot sands with his small group of followers until he heard a smooth howl in the distance.


Having caught his attention, he sat up and saw the boney undead canine race across the clear waters, once it finally got to him, it handed the big man a small envelope into his big fist.

The god let out a jolly laugh as he thanked the hunting dog merrily, "ah! Is it the hundredth year already? Can't wait to see that little rascal soon!!" Smiling down at the fluttering scrap of paper, he handed it over to one of his men.

The god continued to laugh as the skeleton animal raced to his next target, far, far away from the tropical regions and deep into much colder, vacant waters.


Near the middle of the Bermuda triangle...

Capone, god of work and business, was doing his job and rightful duty by aiding a favored business man in an exploration of the sea, keeping him safe from the evil dangers of the Bermuda.

He noticed an orange wolf at the corner of his eye and turned to the patient creature waiting on the rails, even if it's tail was furrowed in irritation, the god showed no fear.

His sharp eyes noticed the envelope in her tight jaws and grinned- in amusement or annoyance one couldn't possibly tell, 'this will be another interesting year' he thought.


Somewhere in the capital of Russia...

Eustass Kidd, god of bloody war and victory was busy killing time by drying out some unfortunate human bar of it's cheap, tasteless beer, no fight in his territory meant no fun, and no fun meant a bored Kidd, and a bored Kidd eventually became a homicidal Kidd.

Then, one real drunk human glared at the god and grabbed ahold of his shoulder in a loose grasp.

"Hey *hiccup* tulip, dis bar is *hiccup* for men not for *hiccup* girlies" he said in a deep accent.

It wasn't long before Kidd completely knocked the drunk off his feet with a good knee kick and a ram of the fists...which caused a violent bar fight, men and women alike didn't hesitate to resort to violence, something that was what made Kidd particularly fond of both this place in his territory and humans.

(God! Lawlu) The God's HuntWhere stories live. Discover now