Memories, Memories

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Age five and I wanted to make a father's day breakfast, but I somehow caught the stove on fire without turning it on which scared mommy. She told me to promise not to tell anyone, even daddy, and she would help me with breakfast.


Age eight and I can see mom and dad fighting over something. I did something bad, something terrible to the cat that I always fed. It scratched me and I cried like any normal child would do. But when my tears touched it, it started purring and licking at my face until I stopped. Then, I scratched me again and drank form my tears which scared me into screaming. They found me and forced the cat away from our home.

"She's but a child! You have already ostracized her by forcing her to stay away from the other children! Now, you want her to train into a fighter? A warrior? Do you know what the Alphas would do to you, to her, to us if they found out?" My mother's shrill voice is what woke me, if I remember correctly.

My father spun around to catch my mother before she could walk away from him.

"You are too protective over her, my dear. She has been gifted with these powers and she should learn how to use them! Our family had been blessed, Abigail! She is special and should be treated like so."

My mother started crying and pulled away from my father. "I just want my daughter to have her own life. I want her to see the world if she pleases or stay if she'd like. I want her to find her mate and fall in love and experience life to the fullest! If you do this to her, if you train her and keep her away from others like you have been, she will never be able to live the life she could. You will take that life away from her until there is nothing left. I've seen it. Will you really do this to her and force her onto the path you best see fit?"

My dad was obviously younger than when I left him with Miracle. Where before he had a stone hard face, dull eyes, and a rough, cold voice, in this memory, he looked smooth faced, dark brown locks, and bright blue eyes. "Dear, she had been gifted with powers from the Moon Goddess! She is better than every single one of the pack members here! I want us all to go somewhere we can hide and train her. We can leave in the middle of the night and get there before anyone notices and go where they'll never find us! Then, we can train her until she's perfect and we will be the most powerful and richest family in all the lands all because of that gift of hers!"

"I won't let you take my baby away from her home for your selfish dreams! I always knew you were a greedy man, but I never thought you would go this far. I have seen what will happen to our daughter if you take us down this path, and I won't allow it!"

"You said it yourself that the visions you have are inconsistent and unreliable! You're just using them now for your own benefit! You want her to be normal so this family will be normal and then you can pretend that you're not who and what you really are! You want to use her and me for your own selfish dreams! I will take her away from here with or without you, woman!"


Age twelve and I look around my room for the very last time. It took a lot of fighting, but mom finally agreed to go with dad to his special place where he can train me. I don't want to go though. I already miss my room with its purple walls, carpeted floors, and bookshelves lining the walls.

"Ready, baby?" Mom asked, smiling at me. But her eyes were sad. She didn't want to leave either. I wonder... what changed her mind?

"I don't want to leave, mommy..." I tell her quietly, so dad doesn't hear. He gets angrier and angrier every day we stay here. He doesn't like the alpha here, he says all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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