Samantha, My Friend

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The next time I awoke, Miracle was shaking me awake. She sat on top of me with her favorite teddy bear in her hands, a Barbie nightgown on, and a fuzzy pink blanket wrapped around her shoulders. It was nighttime as I could see the moonlight streaming through the window and the clock that read 4AM on it. But, thankfully, I was actually fully awake. I must've slept for longer than necessary.

Miracle looked beautiful with the moonlight making her hair glow white and her eyes shine a bright blue. I could stare at my baby's beauty all day and play with her hair for hours as Marianna and I have done in the past so many times before. I felt the urge to do it again and give my little Miracle a normal day she could feel comfortable in.

Miracle snapped me out of my thoughts as she put a hand to my cheek and whispered, "Mommy? I'm hungry. The Alpha said I could get what I want and then I thought you would want somethin' too?"

"Thank you, sweetie. I am hungry. How about we make breakfast for everybody since they've been so nice?" I said already knowing her response.

Her eyes went wide as I stood up and looked around the room, finding all of our stuff moved in. I also noticed that we were in a different room than before. This one was huge and even had a fireplace on the wall across from the bed. There were pictures of a family I didn't know on the mantle but I couldn't bring myself to sneak a peak in case He-who-shall-not-be-named.

"They'll LOVE it, Mommy! We can make pancakes, and eggs, and bacon, and waffles, and sprinkles with ice cream, and-"

"Ok, munchkin. I think that crosses the line from breakfast to dessert. But I will let there be whipped cream on the pancakes if you're good and help me out," I told her after finding the closet to the right of the bed and started looking through old and new clothes.

"Yes, yes, yes! Please, please, please!" She screamed jumping up and down on the bed. I shook my head and grabbed my favorite pair of ripped jeans and a blue and black plaid T-shirt

"Ok, Miracle. Calm down, everyone's still sleeping," I said as I started dressing. Miracle stopped jumping on the bed and giggled quietly. "Sorry, Mommy. I'm just so happy you woke up!"

That made me smile as I wiggled into my jeans. I looked into the mirror and smiled. I had no idea how long I was sleeping, how long we've been here, or what's happened in that time, but I couldn't come to care as long as we were safe for now. I didn't look half bad either. My dirty blond hair looked as if someone brushed it while I was sleeping and my face didn't feel like I dunked it into a McDonald's fryer like usual.

"Ok, Miracle," I said picking her up and heading out the door, "Where's the kitchen?"

"Let's see," she said putting her finger to her chin and acting like she had to think really hard, "You go that way next." She pointed to the right where there was a spiral staircase. She jumped out of my hands and ran towards it while I looked at the pictures on the wall leading down the hallway.

There was one with what looked like the whole pack in one group photo and my eyes widened. We're going to have to make a whole lot of pancakes. It looked as if the whole pack had just played a game. There were all girls on one side and the boys on the other. They looked happy and were covered in mud. The girls held up a trophy in the middle of their group while the guys smiled ruefully at them, probably planning something devious like all boys do.

Only a few people popped out at me though. The two doctors from before were on the opposite ends of the girls group. The really mean one, Megan, was surrounded by some not very nice looking people with vicious victorious smiles on their faces like they cheated (which they probably did according to the absence of mud on them). She looked so smug I wanted to jump into the picture and bang her face in.

The Rejected Girls OriginalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang