"Do you think Miracle knows who her father is and what happened? I'm driving myself crazy thinking of scenarios and Wolf is constantly trying to murder something every time I think about it."

"Miracle's pretty stubborn. She's really protective of her mother, if you haven't noticed. I doubt she'll tell us anything aside from names if we ask diligently. Maybe it's time we get the answers we need. I know you wanted to get them from her, but what if whoever is looking for her comes along? We need to prepare and-"

"No! Liam! Sammy! He won't leave me alone!!" Miracle's screeching sent chills through me. I have never felt afraid all my life except when I heard my father's last breath escape him until now.

Both Samantha and I raced out of the room to see what was happening. There was little Miracle, sitting on the floor leaning against the wall in a pink dress and her arms and legs crossed with a stern look on her face, and Jordan looking wide-eyed at her with a plate of food in his hands.

"Jordan? What's going on?" I asked.

He looked a little sheepish and scratched the back of his head.

"I just wanted to give her something to eat and told her she could come eat with the rest of the pack in the dining room but she started to freak out. I told her I could introduce her to them and she started screaming for you," he explained, looking baffled.

"Come on, Miracle. There's a whole floor dedicated to all of the young kids here! There are plenty of little girls and boys for you to play with and become friends. You'll really like them and-" Miracle cut Sam off, tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes.

"I don't want to like anyone here!" She hiccupped as the tears started flowing faster and she started shaking, hugging herself and scrunching up into a ball, "I don't want another home. They always find us and take away the people I like and Mommy starts to cry when we leave and she gets hurt when we leave the pack line and tells me we're going on a road trip to a new home and I don't want to be sad again and see Mommy cry! I hate road trips..." She whimpered finally, sobbing into herself.

Sam placed one hand on my arm and her other over her mouth in horror. She mind linked me, 'Who could do such a thing to a child?! She obviously has mental scarring and so does Celeste by the way she's describing her...'

Sam had tears in her eyes and we watched in useless silence until Jordan knelt down next to her and pulled her up to her feet with a few encouraging words. Sam let a few tears loose and spun away from the child to catch her breath.

I turned back to Miracle, who looked exhausted and swayed a little on her feet. I crouched down by her and opened my arms to pick her up. She looked surprised at first and then allowed me to hug her while she cried and let her head fall sadly against my shoulder.

I shook with all the emotions I felt as she ranted and started crying softly. All in such a little time, I lost family and found a new part of it. Wolf was angry that he didn't know anything about our mate and we couldn't ask her. He hated not knowing if there was a threat or not, or why someone would want to follow her so many times into different packs.

Miracle said she doesn't want another home because she always has to leave and the people she likes get taken away...

Our little mate is in some kind of trouble, Wolf stated obviously.

No shit, Sherlock. What did you think before? That they were just-

Shut your stupid, human mouth and listen to me. Our mate and daughter are in trouble and are hurting.

He seemed to be waiting for an answer that I didn't know. He was just stating the obvious and trying to tell me something, but why can't he just come out and say it? Wait... Daughter?

I looked at little Miracle who had her eyes closed and wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her. She scared me when she screamed for me earlier. We've only met her for a few days, yet he called her our daughter... and it feels right.

Even if she isn't our daughter by blood, she is our mate's daughter and that will be enough for us. Even if why she is here is because something terrible happened, they're here now. We have never given up on family before and we're not starting now. So, what do we do when our family is in trouble?

I hesitated, which seemed to piss him off.

They are our family! We treat our family all the same! We destroy those who dare try to hurt them and this is no different. You are shocked that we have found our mate and are trying to change the situation results, but the only way is to end this threat before it arrives. No. Matter. What, he all but growled at me.

He was right. Finding and neutralizing the threat is the priority here. To protect my new family, I'll do anything.

"Jordan, I want to know everything about passing female werewolves from ten years ago till now. I want a connection between my mate and who is following them. Start with the Starlight Pack and see what you can find about them."

We were going to protect our mate no matter what.

I heard Megan's voice echo down the hall, but even with our enhanced hearing, I couldn't make it out. Same and I jogged to the room, Miracle still in my arms.

Megan was fluttering around my mate in a frenzy. She looked up when we walked in and waved Sam over.

They looked her over and there was a feeling in the room I hadn't felt before. I gulped and sat Miracle down on her feet. Her eyes were wide and she had squeezed her hands together like a prayer.

"What's happening? Is she ok?" Sam gasped before I even finished. She looked at me, her eyes bright.

"I think she's starting to wake up!" And my heart managed to soar and plummet at the same time.

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