Samantha, My Friend

Start from the beginning

Wow, hating someone within one day- no, one hour. That has to be a new record for you. You at least try to get along first before you have violent thoughts about them, Heaven, my wolf, sarcastically announced in my head.

Wow, nice to hear from you again. What's it been now? A couple of days since we last talked because you were off having a pity party by yourself instead of sharing your feelings with me like hosts of wolves are supposed to do, I retorted, making her laugh in my head.

Hey, just because we share a body, doesn't mean we have to always have girl talk and check in with each other. There's a wall between all our thoughts for a reason. Besides, you wouldn't be able to take all my genius ideas popping up every day, she thought smugly.

I snorted to myself. Yeah, all those wonderful thoughts of a half-naked you-know-who isn't genius. He dumped us and you still think about him all the time like a heartbroken, horny teenage girl, so I don't want to hear it.

At least I can feel anything after he did what he did. You just shut down.

I put our mental wall up so I couldn't feel her presence in my head anymore. I looked back at the photo planning to go back to Miracle, who I could hear banging around in the kitchen, before I noticed three other people in the group.

The really nice doctor, Sam, had the biggest smile on her face and had her arms wrapped around two people. A boy and a girl. The girl had a small, shy, victorious smile gracing her beautiful face. She had bluish, grey eyes, straight, black hair, and freckles that covered her nose and under her eyes giving her a childish look.

Then, when I went to look at the boy, my heart stopped. He had dark black hair, dark green eyes, and a killer sexy 5 o'clock shadow that made my knees week. He wasn't looking at the camera, but instead at Sam while laughing. His lips were full and perfect and he didn't have a shirt on, which made the view oh-so-much better. There was mud on his cheekbone and abs and all over his shorts.

This can't be happening again, I thought, closing my eyes and heading down the stairs to Miracle. I put the feelings and Heaven towards the back of my mind and focused on Miracle, who was standing on a stool above the stove with three pots sitting on the eye.

"Miracle, what are you doing?" I asked stepping around her to the fridge where I grabbed eggs, milk, and coffee that was surprisingly in there.

"I'm setting it up for you, Mommy. The doctor said you shouldn't overwork yourself so I'm getting everything for you," she said, smiling so brightly I smiled back and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, Miracle. Now, help me find the bread, pancake mix, and powdered sugar. We're going to make French toast, pancakes, and eggs for everyone." She sped around the kitchen while she grabbed everything and told me about the pack.

"We're in the Celestial Spirit pack. Their Alpha and Luna are really nice. The wolf that found us in the car tried to make me tell them who we were and they got mad at me because I didn't. Then, Liam came and saw us and he told them to leave us alone until you got better. He's the Alpha's son, and now he's Alpha because his daddy died, and he plays with me and Jodie. Oh, Jodie is my new best friend! Her and Jake, they're twins," Miracle rambled on while I started making the pancakes and French toast. I got three pancakes in when I realized I hadn't started the coffee, so I quickly started trying to figure the machine out.

"You put the water in the back and the coffee in the side tray," a familiar female voice startled me from behind.

I turned to find Sam sitting on the stool next to Miracle and flipping the pancakes I neglected. Thank the Goddess for her. If I burned down their kitchen, it would not be a happy day.

Yeah, Heaven agreed suddenly. You may think you're all that, but you still remember setting the microwave on fire by putting dry ramen noodles in there, right?

Shut up and butt out, I told her blocking her once again and turning to Sam smiling.

"Thanks. You're Sam? The doctor?" I asked watching her flip the pancakes once more then putting them on the plate with the other done ones. She nodded her head and put more pancake batter on the pan.

"It's Sam to my friends. But you can call me that because I consider everyone my friend until they do something to piss me off. My whole name's Samantha. And let me tell you, Miracle has been an angel. She's so protective of you it melts my heart. And I can't believe how beautiful and sweet you are! Everyone will love you and I really hope we can be best friends, because let me tell you, the number of shady bitches in this pack, pun intended, is very, very, very surprising! You met one when you woke up in the hospital room, Megan, is the leader of her own mini pack. And you put her in her place and that is why I will love you for all my life!" Ok, she's a rambler. Note taken.

I started fixing two mugs of coffee for us. "Is she really that big of a deal? How do you like your coffee?"

She looked surprised. "Oh! You didn't have to do that. But I would like some. Can I have three sugars and five of creamer, please? And Megan only thinks she's all that because she's the Beta's daughter. You're the kind of bitch I want my friend because you're bitchy for a reason. She's just grr!" We continued what we were doing and chatting and laughing until we had piles of pancakes, French toast, eggs, and bacon covering a large dining room table. It was six in the morning so we sat down and talked while Miracle watched SpongeBob.

"So, how long has Miracle been doing what she did?" Sam asked watching Miracle giggle cutely at SpongeBob and Patrick fighting about who would be Dirty Dan.

I looked at Miracle who looked sleepy, lying on the couch half asleep.

"The pack I was born in, had my family and friends in, they were scared that Miracle was different. And the pack next door had a snitch that told them of Miracle when I was trying to get away from... some things, and they wanted her for power, before she was even born. The last pack I was in held good people that most likely died with our secret. So, please understand when I say I need to know who you people are before I can say anything about us further."

Sam tilted her head at me and smiled warmly. "You're going to be good for him. You're strong, loyal, and badass. And you love your daughter so much its contagious. She's fit right into the family. Everyone feels she's different, but we don't care. She's so sweet and caring it's beautiful." She leaned over to me as if sharing a secret. "I understand you can't talk about her because it's dangerous, but I also know that soon you won't have much choice in the matter because of Liam. He'll mate bond the truth out of you," she giggled oblivious to my look of fear I quickly tried to cover up.

"How- how many people know about that? And how long have I been out exactly?" I asked nervously.

"Almost two weeks. Twelve days before your unfortunate meeting with Megan. No one else but the four that was at the scene of the accident which included myself, the patroller who pulled you out, my Beta, and Samantha here."

That voice. The tingles. That feeling. It was him. And he was the one person in the house I was torn with meeting. Heaven was howling in joy while I was petrified. I took a breath and turned around slowly, scared out of my mind wondering why the Moon Goddess was being so cruel with my feelings.

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